Everyone cringes at the thought of Mercury retrograde but it is not bad for everyone and gets a lot of bad press.  You all  know about Mercury retrograde so I wanted to share some new things.  First of all if you were born with Mercury retrograde, you are more right-brain orientated and have more spatial orientation and recognize patterns and are not logical.  It will be interesting to observe if during Mercury retrograde you need to be more intuitive rather than logical during the  transit.

Secondary, Mercury retrograde is not bad for every rising sign.   It is most difficult for the rising signs of Cancer,  Scorpio,  Pisces,  Capricorn, Aquarius, and Sagittarius  due to house ownerships involving  the 6, 8, 12 and even the 7th  house ruler.   It  actually makes Virgos and Geminis stronger in their physical body but maybe more inward.   Taurus rising usually does particularly good with it and Libra will have mixed result and Leos also are not as troubled.   Still it will depend what house Aries is for your chart during this current transit and how strong it is in your natal chart and so many other factors.

Mercury retrograde is happening in Aries, an enemies sign,  in the constellation of Ashwini owned by Ketu and in general will support intuition and deep insights for many–particularly for astrologers. It will also support healing at this time.

Mercury transits from the rising sign or the moon are considered good when they are 2, 4, 6, 8 or 11 houses from the moon or rising sign.  Hence if your rising sign or moon is Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo or Gemini, it is considered a good transit and will get better when Mars gets out of Aries on April 12th.   Virgo rising and moons will  may have more trouble with this retrograde as it is an 8th house transit  and will bring up positive transformation and is still considered a good transit.  Taurus rising and Moon  will have particular trouble this time as it is a 12th house transit from the ascendant. Aries rising or moon may be subject to health issues and disputes with Mercury being a bitter enemy of Mars and owning the 6th house.  Libra and Taurus rising may have problems with relationships and romance  but then again that is a theme of the next few weeks anyway with Venus retrograde and squared by Saturn.

The problem with the transit as we have written about before (See: is that Mercury is in Ketu’s constellation of Ashwini and in a sign owned by Mars and it creates electrical and mechanical problems.  I am sure you can all list things that suddenly are not working.  Mercury retrograde may increase the problem so be patient with setbacks and give everything more time to happen.

Mercury in Ashwini stays there an usually long time until May 23rd because it will retrograde in that constellation through May 3 and does not leave it until May 23rd.    Mercury in Ashwini brings a strong and fiery intellect than can be impulsive, independent and aggressive.  It  creates a mind that wants to accomplish things too fast and this can lead to frustration, an angry mind poor planning, deceit, too much debt or risk-taking, abuse of drugs and alcohol and nervous strain.  Mercury and Mars will be in the same sign until April 12th and they are enemies and this can lead to disputes  and aggressive arguing nature , being too self-centered and ruthless.   Awareness around this is going to be important as debating about who is right becomes an ego-centered event to justify our position and keep us chained to a position and not open to seeing other points of view.  Be open to listening more and understanding and integrating others points of view over the next few months.

So like always, back up your computers early, get your letters and marketing and business dealings done early today,  be redundant about communications and do not assume that your emails and phone messages and texts will get picked up.  Most of  all,  be patient as Mercury is like the Greek god of Hermes and he wants you to laugh when these things do not go right. He is the trickster, so smile and accept and be patient and know it will be over by May 2nd.  Still the week of April 9-15th is the parade of the retrogrades with 4 planets retrograde at once, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and of course Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde and Pluto goes retrograde  April 20th.

If you like the way I analyze  transits and want to learn how to do this, you can take my Transit Class which is 4 Video Tapes and is available for download now. for 125.00.   We also recommend our intermediate foundation course which covers some the basics of Jaimini astrology, intermediate principles of planetary aspects and retrogrades and core material on principles on timing dashas. which includes 9 vidotapes for 199.00.

Also I will be speaking at the Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference on Thursday, Nov. 30th on Hidden Psychological Issues: The Strange Case of Bhadaka.  This is a great conference and has stuff for everyone from beginners to more intermediate students so please come.   Visit:

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