I have personally been going through a lot of physical and emotional challenges and when I talk to my friends, I am hearing great distress also. Our heart go out to the people of Texas and as I mentioned last week, no point in predicting calamity from the Eclipse but a huge point to respond and help others.
Organizations to support the people in Houston: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/28/546745827/looking-to-help-those-affected-by-harvey-here-s-a-list
Many of us are are really on the edge, emotionally and mentally the last few weeks. There is the post eclipse hangover that can bring a surge of energy and then create problems. The moon is at the end of Scorpio today in the intense constellation of Jyestha where seething swaps of emotional energy bubble up. Mars is still in the process of changing signs and will be out of trouble by Sept. 1st but then battling Mercury until Sept. 21st. The nodes are still in the process of changing signs and that has created a lot of turmoil about new things in our life. And Mercury is retrograde until Sept. 5th and connected to Ketu through the constellation of Magha. Luckily Jupiter is still strong and moon going into Sagittarius tonight and then Jupiter very strong in Virgo still will keep us uplifted.
Everyone wonders why Mercury retrograde is not letting up as communication and computer glitches and general anxiety is high. Many people are up against material problems that seem to be coming out of nowhere with health and finance and career and Saturn in Scorpio in gandanta has a way of creating more anxiety than we can deal with and everything slows down and we get nothing done. Uranus is creating an uncanny problem of surprises where everything comes out of nowhere or… in other words, everything seen, originates in the unseen. This means we cannot often control what seems to be going on around us by having a conscious relationship with that which is actually in control of everything that seems to be and occasionally is.
Saturn is spinning webs of anxiety that are not helpful in moving forward in our life–yet we have to find someway to do so.   The trick will be engaging Mars for courage as he is so strong in the sky and dismissing the rumbling sub-conscious anxiety going on in the background.
Still if we search deeply there is a underlying core of well being there that we have to grasp onto and it is there with Venus strong in Cancer and the Sun finally getting strong in the heart of the lion Leo and he moved into Venus’s star or Purva Phalguni today. Â We have to tap into that core and not buy into the mental worries of the mind and the core anxiety that Saturn will continue to cause until November–and it is just doing its job.
If you are challenged, we have to reach to Pluto and surrender and Divine will. Fighting “what is” and saying it shouldn’t be this way plagues the mind and cause our current discomfort. We do not have to keep going through what we are going through. Surrender is the key. Once you surrender to the ineffable and once you take it upon yourself to rely on the grace of God, then you have a chance to be free. It does take a shift of the mind and doing enough meditation practice so that we can reach back and find that Lightness of Being. If we do not go there we are going to get gripped by Saturn’s grumbling and complaining.
And still we have to avoid spiritual by-pass and be real with what is going on in our life and somehow reach back to the power of the very strong Jupiter in the sky that is reminding us that we are safe and always protected and taken care. There is underlying it all, an ineffable lightness of Being. If  we can let go of the heavy luggage and baggage of the mind that is carrying a 100 pound suitcase through the airport when we just need a 20 pound carry-on.  Let go of the baggage. What will be. Find the those unbearable moments of lightness and love to fall back on or you will be doomed to the gnawing and complaining mind. Find the sweetness of Venus and trust in the Divine which is strong in Jupiter now while they are there to give us light this month as September looks more challenging.
Wishing you all joy and blessings in the midst of your suffering and may the Divine come to you in this great time of need.
Again, charts are very individual and we do not ever want to stereotype people by sign but sometimes its a way of putting one’s finger right away on a core problem for the person’s entire life.
LIVE WEBINAR with Barry Rosen
              OCT 7-Dec. 9TH (9 classes over 11 weeks)
This seminar is designed for students of Vedic astrology who know the basics, and seek to unfold some secret insights into charts and go deeper.
Houses will be discussed in key groupings connected to the four major aims of life: Â and dharma or purpose (1,5,9) , karma or pleasure (3,7,11) , artha or wealth (2, 6,10) and moksha or liberation (4,8, 12).
Focus will also be on other key groupings like the challenges of the dusthana houses (6, 8th and 12th), the kendras, (1,4,7,10) which focus on self, home, relationships and career, the  Upachanya Houses or growth houses (3,6,10,11) which allow one to grow out of malefic influences, the Maraka houses (2,7) which can cause problems with health, money and sexuality and marriage. As in all my classes, a deeper spiritual and psychological emphasis is given to everything. Extra videotapes from past classes will be included to get you additional knowledge when time does not permit.
How to use this knowledge in the key Navamsha chart and D-9 will also be studied.
Class are available for replay on videotape or for missed classes.
Weeks 1:Â Â Basic Techniques for House Analysis and Secrets of the Navamsha Chart.
The Four Aims of Life (Includes two Bonus Videos)
 Week 2: Focus on the 1st House and Rising Sign: Knowledge of the Self Â
Week 3: Â The Dharma Houses: 1, 5, 9: Talent, Luck and Fortune
Week 4: The Kama Houses: 3, 7, 11 : Pleasure, Enjoyment, Fulfillment of Desires
Week 5: The Artha Houses 2, 6, 10: Wealth, Support, Work, Material Attachments
Week 6: The Moksha House: 4, 8, 12 : Happiness, Transformation and Sacrifice
Week 7: The Secrets of Death: The Maraka Houses 2 and 7:Â Harmony and Integration or Death?
Week 8: The Upachaya Houses or Growth houses (3,6,10,11)Â Growth from Challenge and Adversity
Week 9:Â Summary and Integration:Â Putting it All Together.
 The Karmic  Dhustana Houses: The 6th and 8th houses—Discipline and Transformation
The Karmic  Dhustana Houses: The Mysterious 12th House:
Video Recordings available through DROPBOXÂ
              $225.00; (two payment plan possible; email) EARLY BIRD BY SEPT 15
SIGN UP AT: https://www.appliedvedicastrology.com/secrets-planetary-houses-new-class-begins-saturday-oct-7th/