Saturn has been in the constellation of Jyestha (Scorpio 16.40-29.59) and will stay there until Oct. 26th.  Saturn in Jyestha tends to be more attached to material things but will spend his time complaining about their imperfections. So when your new electronic toy has a flaw, lighten up and let go. This transit can create deep unhappiness but it is usually caused by ones mistakes and the tendency will be to beat oneself up. Lighten up. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
The end of Scorpio is about leaving the material behind and then Saturn in Sagittarius (0-13.20) much of next year is connected to Ketu and Moola Nakshatra (Sagittarius 0-13.20) and the diety Nritti who is the destructive aspect of the Divine Mother, Kali, who wants to take away the material to move us into spirituality. With all the destruction from natural disasters, I keep thinking that Saturn’s movements will be a spiritual awakening for people who have not woken up to their higher nature. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of those impacted and we ask you all to donate your time and resources to help those in need.
My spiritual teacher often noted that natural disasters are an opportunity for us to do service work and help others when we might not normally do it. The great efforts in Houston are an inspiring testimonial to humanity of the good that we have inside when we reach in and help others. With Irma approaching, we must again dig deep in our soul to help others.
The end of Scorpio, 27-30 degrees is called the stinger tail and is in the gandanta which literally means drowning. Saturn will continue in this area until Oct. 26th and it can be very intense for world suffering.
The key word for Saturn is patience and doing your inner work.  The gandanta transit is repeating the territory that we went through Dec. 26, 2016- January 26th so look at what was not completed there and see if you can unravel it.  The key is to get in touch with the deep karmic subconscious patterns and heal them and transform them. This transit will most impact you if you are Scorpio, Leo or Capricorn, Aquarius or Taurus rising signs and if you have key planets 26-0 there.
We have been feeling the intensity already from Saturn but then it moves into the most intense area of the zodiac so you will be called up to work hard.  The most difficult part of the journey when Saturn is Scorpio 29.20-29.49 Oct. 19-26th travel when the psyche wants to unravel material sheaths and break free and this can create emotional turmoil. This is an area where one does not feel emotional support and difficult problems are tricky to unravel. Get a head start on these between now on Oct. 19th so that you are not in crisis.
Go deep into the fear and recognize the illusion of it. You are safe and secure and no one or nothing can harm you. 99% of that which we fear never happens. Remember this. You are safe and protected.
Stay on top of this wild energy the  by  doing your yoga and meditation and drinking calming herbal teas. Stay calm and centered.  Become Capricorn the mountain, solid, unshakable and soar high like the eagle into great freedom. The world around you may seem to be moving too quickly and we expect the world scene to get a bit more excited also  as all the wild  emotional churning will explode a bit and lead to more intense  revisiting of  all the anguish from the post-election shock. But trust that God has a plan.
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