If you turn on your TV and watch hurricane coverage you are going to be caught in the media’s fear fortex as they try to increase ratings. Turn off your TV. Feeding fear never helps anyone.  Hurricane Irma is catastrophic and our prayers go out to everyone and we have suggested being active with donations and support on every level possible.
Jupiter is changing signs on Monday and even if there is grace there, I think it does take away a bit more of our faith and trust in the Divine at this time as Jupiter is between two signs, Virgo and Libra. . Mars and Mercury are still too close together in transit and that will create anger and disputes and you have to keep your mind off of the past and what people said and feeding the anger and stay alert in the present and not get so out of touch with the present. Conjunction peaks Saturday with Mars losing the planetary war on Friday/Saturday Sept. 15-16 impacting Aries and Scorpio rising greatly around health and then Mercury loses the war on the 17th.
Venus into the Cancer gandanta in the constellation of Ashlesha/Hydra (Cancer 27-29.59) area where problems seem unsolvable and emotional turmoil is high Sept. 13-15. This will feed emotional turmoil this week Sun is squared by Saturn into Wednesday exactly at the same time Saturn is oppositing the moon in Taurus and this will feed high blood pressure and fear.
Most of world will have a few drinks, take some drugs, smoke a pack of cigarettes or eat themselves into a numbed-out stupor. That can work for a bit but it is destructive and takes you out of your deepest being.
If you are on spiritual path, what do you do? Those of us on a spiritual path have to go through them. Feel them deeply. The process of feeling them can facilitate their deep release. What are we afraid of? Are we really those stupid feelings or something bigger? Go deep into them and the attention of your consciousness will facilitate their release.
We can always do a bit of spiritual or astrological bypassing and that can help too but remember you are so much bigger than your emotions. If a storm is happening. be Billy Buddy in Herman Melville’s classic. Strap your self to the mast and go through it. In the end you will find that your eternal Self is so much bigger than a few waves and in fact you are the waves and you are ocean. How can you be afraid of the very water that you are made of.  Stay strapped to the mast, whatever storms come, say, I am here and let them come through me. How can we run away from a tiny emotion? What power can it really have over us?
Don’t the storms make you deeper and a more powerful person? Embrace. Realize that you are unchanging and nothing can touch you. You are invincible. Merge with the water and become One.
So if you are not able to do that you can always do the following:
1) This is a time to be disciplined about your meditation practice and yoga and other spiritual practices because these lighten the burden and give us more strength to deal with everything. The tendency is to skip that which is good for us when we are challenged but that’s like taking off a winter coat when its below zero.
2) Donate time and money to help those in need. This is one way to address karma and by getting out of our own stuff, we feel better and move through our own karma.
3) Be disciplined with diet and exercise. The tendency is to use food to cover up difficult emotions or skip exercise because we feel tired or lazy. So much illness (6th house) can be overcome if we are disciplined doing what is good for us. Avoid addictive behaviors and non-life-supporting actions especially now. The tendency is to what to escape but usually this leads to more difficult problems quickly.
4) Spend time with spiritual knowledge, attend spiritual gatherings and hang around with positive people at this time.
5) Do transformational healing work to move through these energies.
And this will pass. Probably by Sept. 18th it will start to lift and then much stronger lifting after Sept. 26th for a least a week.  Embrace yourself, embrace the storm, embrace your emotion and just Be!
All gratitude to the timeless wisdom from the Ashtavakra Gita and my beloved Guru!
Sign up for the Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference, Nov. 30-Dec. 2nd.
Visit www.sedonavedicastrology.com Â
I will be speaking on Nov. 30th on Mysteries of the 12th House.