JUPITER IN VISHAKHA (Libra 20-Scorpio 3.20)
Dec. 17, 2017-June 17, 2018
August 3, 2018-Oct. 28, 2018
Jupiter transited into the constellation of Vishaka on Dec. 17th, 2017 and will stay there until June 17, 2018. Vishakha (20.00 Libra-3.20 Scorpio) is ruled by Agni and Indra and is a constellation of four stars forming the left half of the scales of Libra. It is connected to the deities of Agni and Indra . Agni has the ability to do herculean talks to achieve its goals with great fiery energy and courage. Indra provides leadership but may create danger for those around one but may act cowardly at the first sign of danger. People born with this constellation are often seeking a bit of power and status and position.
Jupiter placed in the constellation in your natal chart will bring out counselors and advisors and makes them wise in worldly and spiritual matters. Jupiter will spend a long time in this constellation–almost 10 months– except when it retrogrades back into Swati for a few months so it should be supportive for Vedic astrologers and advisors.
Prash Trivedi notes that the English word ‘fixation’ can best describe the essence of Vishakha which is marked by concentration and single mindedness, although it can be affected by the nature of the goal it pursues. With the frequency of unwholesome goals, it is a concern for handling vices and people born in this constellation call easily fall e prey to alcohol, drugs and sex. In essence, the Jupiter/Venus combination can bring in Vishakha natives have an urge to throng the local bar and to engage in the sensual and material energies of life. There may be love parties but this may lead to a sense of emptiness in their lives which ideally should lead to searching for deeper spiritual meaning.
Vishaka is connected to outcasts and outsiders and hence they do not follow traditional religious norms as one might think that Jupiter would. Hence they can often become artists, outsiders, people who want to change society.
Venus and Jupiter combinations are the best way to describe the mixed energy in Libra but because 3.20 degrees of the constellation overlap into Scorpio, it also brings in Mars, Pluto and Ketu energies and higher spirituality. Jupiter transiting through the 1st Pada of Scorpio. Oct. 11-26, 2019, will bring out a deeper spiritual energy as the excesses of partying and socializing and sensual gratification may start seeming exhausting.
I suspect that this transit in 2018 will continue the rampant material excess that has overtaken the world with the stock market bubble and the Bitcoin craze and that more sobering energy and spiritual awakening will come when Jupiter goes into Scorpio. For now enjoy the party and your holiday gatherings that Jupiter in Vishaka will promote.