Vedic astrology, spiritual practice and hatha yoga are intimately connected. Meditation is a core component of Vedic astrology and with out spiritual practice, its hard to overcome have awareness of our spiritual karma and how to handle it and manage it.
There are five things you need to focus on in order increase the depth of your meditation program called the Yamas. These have been often misinterpreted in Vedic culture and they often have more far-reaching implications for self-development. The analysis below contains some of my thoughts on the subject integrated in with the thoughts of my Spiritual Teacher.
The Yamas: The word ‘yama’ is often translated as ‘restraint’, ‘moral discipline’ or ‘moral vow’, and Patanjali states that these vows are completely universal, no matter who you are or where you come from, your current situation or where you’re heading.  The word moral is often misinterpreted but really means awareness, discipline and awareness of your behavior toward others but often forgotten here is your behavior toward yourself. Ultimately if we beat ourselves up, we are not setting up the right conditions for meditation or yogic practices.
-  Ahimsa: Often translated as non-violence it means refraining from harming your self of others. This can happen through words or deeds but can also be a result of self-deprecation and beating yourself up. Mars and Saturn are often the culprit. Saturn will do the internal beating and Mars can often lead to physical violence but in the 2nd house afflicted it may lead to cursing or putting others down for boastful or ego- and that can be just as problematic. We rarely think of self-violence but if we engage those ugly Saturn thoughts about “not good enough” or “not enough” then we do great damage to our self-esteem. Saturn in the 1st or aspecting the first or Ketu in the 1st or Saturn or Ketu connected to the ascendant Lord often will do damage. The highest level of this is that if we attain Self-realization, then all hostilities are given you in your presence. It is said that around great saints, people lay down their arms and violent tendencies or lions in the forest around holy men would not be prone to violence.
2. Satya: Often translated as truthfulness and being honest with yourself and others. The highest level of Truth is that all things are changing and that we need to be come established with the non-changing. Still there are may other dimensions of this ancient wisdom.
Rahu the planet of deception is a problem here particularly if we have it in the 2nd house of speech and we get into deceiving others with schemes that could never work. But the other part is self-deception if we remain unconscious and denial or our patterns and our vices. We often see this with people caught up in addictive behaviors but denying they have a drinking or drug problem. Jupiter and Saturn need to come to the rescue here with truth to bring self-deception to the conscious level. On the highest level when we develop Higher Consciousness, the act of speaking is able to manifests its desires and our words will come to fruition.
3. Asteya: Often translated as non-stealing but it goes beyond that in terms of not desiring or being jealous with what others have.  If we are always talking about our neighbors new car or new diamond necklace, we move out of our self and our peace and contentment. We are taking something on the level of mental thought and in so doing ourselves robbing our peace of mind for going deep in meditation. Afflicted Venus will often create this kinds of jealous often when combust by the Sun as it will be in January. The Enlightened perspective is realizing that the Divine is always giving everything that is needed.
4  Brahmacharya: non-excess (often interpreted as celibacy) but it is also being in control of the senses and not directing our energy away from inner bliss so that we can have deep meditation. On the highest level it is connected to realizing and want to be connected to the highest level of Brahman or Oneness with the Universal Mind.
Sexual energy traditionally has been for procreation but the sexual revolution has elevated it a fun and normal level.  Sometimes we may feel “not cool” if are having the kind of experience that our friends are talking about. Venus owned signs like Taurus and Libra maybe more in their dharma with needing touch but it can be handled in a non-sexual way through massage or loving stroking. Mars is supposed to the disciplined Brahmachaya/ celibate and loses control connected to Venus or in Venus owned signs. In his dharma in Aries or in the 6th house and not-afflicted, may be able to control his sexual energy and save it to be channeled higher for spiritual unfoldment. Ultimately we have to come to realize that we are the source of endless energy that is a fountainhead of joy and which can channel higher into Higher Consciousness.
5. Aparigraha: Often translated as having no attachment to anything and this has been misinterpreted through out the ages. In its highest sense non-attachment means that there is such strong patience, groundedness and emotional stability that when challenges happen, we are not upset by them or thrown into a crisis.  This becomes the ultimate result of yogi practice. I find that people with Jupiter or Venus in the 1st house or a well-diginifed moon have a lot of the kalpha element and can withstand the the winds of change whereas Saturn in the 1st can easily be thrown. Ultimately as Higher Conscious dawns, we realize that we are always part of the unchanging Self at the center that is beyond the craziness of the changing world.
Special thanks to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Commentary on the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra his grace. I have just added my astrological insights for other people who think this way. Available on Amazon. See: https://www.amazon.com/Patanjali-Yoga-Sutras-Ravi-Shankar/dp/9380592817
I am putting together a whole course on this material and we will spend 4 weeks on Atmakaraka and 3-4 weeks on these special Jaimini charts to really understand the soul’s purpose and much more.
Sign up for free first class, Saturday, May 25th at 3:00 pm-4:30 pm Go to Webinar
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The Spiritual Essence of Astrology: Live Mini Webinar Starts Jan. 11th
Try our Astro-Yoga videotape:
ASTRO-YOGA WEBINAR: Planets, Poses and Healing
Videotape Special with Barry Rosen: $24.95: 3 hours (on sale)
Available now for Dropbox video download and re-playable at your convenience.
Fun, easy and therapeutic: practical knowledge for personal healing
- Connections between poses, emotional and psychological and physical health and planets.
- How to correct emotional, physical and psychological issues with the proper pose for healing.
- The connections between the chakra system and the planets and how the poses support healing in both areas.
- Understand the inter-dimensionality of healing body, emotions, psychology and belief structures and their connections to planets and poses.
In ancient times there was a deeper connection between Ayurvedic diagnosis, natal chart readings and prescriptions of asanas for planetary afflictions.
In this workshop, Barry Rosen will introduce some of the major poses and their connections to the planets, their corresponding organs, chakras and psychological components and outline 2-3 basic sets of yoga postures for energizing, balancing and relaxing.