Mercury is in Sagittarius moving toward conjunction with Saturn into Jan. 12th. For Mercury, poor judgment is a problem for Wednesday being ruled by Mercury so you have to be careful about decision making particularly if you are Gemini or Virgo rising.
Mercury is in the Mula nakshatra (Sagittarius 0-13.20) until Jan. 16th where the haunting from the past beckon us to let go of difficult karma and be patient.
Prash Trivedi notes that Mula consists of nine stars at the end of Scorpio and is the place of the center of the galaxy which Western Astrologers are fond of calling the Galactic Center as that wonderful part of the sky that looks like a white river in the night sky. Mula means “root” or “the center” and people who have a sun, moon or ascendant lord in this constellation are very direct and do not like to beat around the bush. This is the core of the galaxy and it is ruled by Ketu who wants to get to the core of everything: hidden motives, events, core roots. Ketu is connected to past lives and Mula wants to tie up all the talents from one’s past lives and bring them together. It seeks deeply for the truth of existence.
Remember with the Saturn conjunction , be redundant about communications as emails and phone messages may get lost; back up computers; be patient that things may take more time or that people may not understand you.
Energy may not be there to push the envelope the next few days for getting a lot of writing done but if it does happen it can be deep and profound. . The cobra pose is good for balancing Mercury and the shoulder stand can sort out a confused mind so those may help the next few days.
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