The Sun moved into the constellation of Sharvana Jan. 24th and stays there for the next 13 days until Feb. 6th. The transit is not without its bumps this year with Ketu being in that constellation and the Sun being exact conjunct Ketu having a 3 degree orb from Jan 30-Feb. 5th. We also have the Super Moon/Lunar eclipse on Jan. 31st and we will have to write more about it. Vishnu controls this constellation promoting spirituality with this transit and it is a very satvic constellation. People born with the Sun in Shravna (Jan. 24-Feb 6th birthdays) are kind-hearted, benevolent, modest, a have a bit orthodox with spiritual or religious orientations and fond of old traditions and have a love of history or historical novels.
Modern astronomers say this constellation consists of 3 stars, Altair, Alshain and Tarazed and the ancients say that mythologically these starts correspond to the three steps taken by Vishnu. Prash Trivedi notes that the translation of Shravana is “hearing” or ” the one who limps.” It is sometimes connected to the Pipal tree and the sacred tree where Buddha received enlightenment. This constellation is often connected to an ear and its symbol is to listen and if planets are strong in this constellation it means that one has to learn to be a good listener or to listen to one’s inner voice.
Trivedi goes on to note that Vishnu is the deity of this constellation and if you have the Sun, Moon or ascendant here it gives you strong organizational skills which are often associated with Capricorn. It also makes one clever with a strong ability to work through problems. Saraswati the goddess of learning is also connected to this star due to the connection to put speech into distinct words for learning. Trividi notes that people born with this constellation tend to be peaceful and persevering even if sometimes stubborn but they like to complete their tasks. They are gentle, kind, amicable and liberal-minded and reasonable. Its darker side can lead to naivete in falling prey to deception and bad advice. People with this star may be too generous but it can lead to bigotry and extreme narrow-mindedness and we have to watch these qualities over the next two weeks. Still this group of stars is a wonderful combination of business skills and at the same time a softness that puts people at ease.
The constellation is connected to the Moon and Sun so the luminaries are strongly connected the next two week as the Sun is starting its journey into the Super Full Moon on Jan. 31st and Lunar eclipse happening there. (We will have new articles about these later.)
The Sun/Ketu conjunction is a bit troubling and we will have to write about it later and the eclipse next week but our yearly almanac has detailed articles about it as well as articles about Ketu in Shravana.
(Purchase at: https://www.appliedvedicastrology.com/vedic-astrology-transit-guide-2018-19-interpretive-reference-guide/
If you want to learn more about Nakshatras and using them for prediction, sign up for our course starting in March. Early registration is 295.00.
SUNDAYS , Starting March 4, 2018 3-5 PM CST
10 (2 hour classes) March 4, 2018-May 13 (10 CLASSES OVER 11 WKS)
Purpose: 1) To learn how to translate the complex symbols and relationships of the nakshatras or lunar mansions into deeper modern psychological and spiritual readings and insights and to understand the schools and lessons that the planets are teaching us. For individuals with a Western or a Vedic astrology background.
- Understanding the puppet strings that pull our psychology so that we can recognize and transcend it.
- Understanding past life influences so that we can move beyond them and not repeat those patterns.
- Developing awareness of our weakness and how we can do a better job.
- Understanding new predictive techniques to enhance accuracy.
“Barry’s is a gifted astrologer soul, with passion to share his knowledge through his excellent teaching skills. He is always in pursuit of gaining new knowledge, hence making more accurate predictions. I feel blessed being his student for not only learning astrology but also about how to be a great human being.” PG, San Francisco, CA
For questions, email barry2@fortucast.com. Email for special invoicing if you do not use Paypal. Basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology is required. Credit cards accepted by phone at Fortucast at 800-788-2796.
Weeks 1 : THE 27 NAKSHATRAS: Understanding their Psychological Essences, Symbols, Modes of Functioning, Orientation and Disposition Part 1 -Ashwini-Hasta
Weeks 2 : THE 27 NAKSHATRAS: Understanding their Psychological Essences, Symbols, Modes of Functioning, Orientation and Disposition Part 2-Chitra-Revati
Week 3: Nakshatras and the Nature of the Mind 1: Psychological, Mental and Archetypal Insights into Personality. Caste Nature, Gana and Secret of the Elements
The Transition Points: Nakshatras and Gandanta: Soul Lessons
WEEK 4: Nakshatra, Padas and the Four Aims of Life: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha: Duty, Wealth, Pleasure and Liberation
WEEK 5: Integrating Ancient Deities with Modern Psychological Archetypes 1:
WEEK 6: Integrating Ancient Deities with Modern Psychological Archetypes 2:
WEEK 7: Work-shopping: Integrative Techniques for Psychological Interpretation
The Shakti of the Nakshatras
Final Dispositors of Nakshatra Lord
WEEK 8: Predictive Techniques: Navatara 1 –The Hidden Matrix
WEEK 9: Predictive Techniques: Navatara 2 –The Hidden Matrix
Week 10: Introduction to Savrata Bhadra Chakra: The Matrix of Prediction
Video Recordings available through DROPBOX
295.00 early registration
$295.00. (barry2@fortucast.com)
Sign up at: https://www.appliedvedicastrology.com/secrets-nakshatras-profound-psychological-predictive-magic/