Spring is here and we still have some of the better astrology of the next 3 months this week although there are always some clouds and rain showers that dampen the mood.
Sun is still exalted in Aries until May 14th adding confidence and good cheer to the week and Jupiter is opposing it from Libra adding more joy and confidence and optimism. Still the dark side may create blind optimism, inflated egos and extravagant energy so watch those credit cards in the malls. In leadership this could lead to making unrealistic and impractical demands on others while, at the same time, promising more than you can deliver. This makes you appear unreliable and undependable. Sun is a bit weak in the D-9 chart for a few days so this darker quality may come out. through Monday. Avoid arrogance and being self-righteous.
The troubling spot this week is Mercury at the end of Pisces in the troubled area of the zodiac known as the Gandanta. Here the optimistic spiritual energy that Mercury has been experiencing will suddenly crash into the need to move forward as it goes into Aries on Wednesday. Suddenly, there will be a strong desire to start doing all the writing and reading and communications that has been so hard to do the last two months. For Geminis and Virgos, there may be deep emotional swirlings May 7-8th in dealing with deep and old karmic issues for Monday and Tuesday so find a way to stay ground your mind with exercise and walking to avoid mental flaying or regrets of the past particularly around spiritual duties that have not gotten completed.
Mercury goes in Aries, May 9-May 26th is often difficult for people in that it will promote arguing and debating and fighting and that is why it is considered an enemies sign.
On May 9th Mercury will enter Aries and will be in the constellation of Ashwini (Aries 0-13.20) until mid-May 18th. The first part of the transit is through the gandanta Aries 0-3 degrees (May 9-11). There is underlying strength to work out new beginnings in a new cycle of growth initiated by moving into the start of the zodiac. The energy is there to untie deep karmic knots, but frustrations will still come up strongly and given all the changes going on in the sky.
The ruling constellation of Ashwini is Ketu spurring you into new spiritual growth and development, but Ketu is still pretty afflicted in transit from its connection to Saturn and Capricorn. This may create an interest in new projects but the inability or weakness to finish them so make sure you only take on what you can handle. It can also bring on stubbornness or racing around wildly with too much “wild horse” energy so make sure to slow down and stay balanced.
Mercury in Ashwini brings a strong and fiery intellect than can be impulsive, independent and aggressive. Mercury in Aries creates a mind that wants to accomplish things too fast and this can lead to frustration, an angry mind poor planning, deceit, too much debt or risk-taking, abuse of drugs and alcohol and nervous strain.
Mars is squaring Mercury on May 12th and its impact will be felt most on Wednesday May 9th and 16th.
Mercury and Mars are bitter enemies, so this is not a happy transit and can bring up more disputes and arguments and fighting. Drive carefully and do not fight in the car. This is an 8th house transit for Virgos, which requires transformation, or unexpected illness or accidents can arise if your dasha period is so indicating. It is an 11th house transit for Geminis suggesting more fun with friends and fulfillment of desires and increases in income and a chance to engage in competitive sports.
Luckily Jupiter aspects Aries and will provide grace and positive outcomes. Of course the impact here will be more if you are running a Mars/Mercury period or a Mercury/Mars period or if you have Mars/Mercury associations in your natal chart particularly in Aries. For most people you have to say out of fights. Just write it down and do not blast anyone and let the energy pass.
Pluto trines the Sun into Friday, May 11th and these trines are imporant because they are conjunctions in the D-9 chart. Both these energies create a low of power and energy in the solar plexus to accomplish great things with great energy. Whatever your are interested in at the moment, you will be driven to research and investigate the inner working so you gain full understanding of the topic. You will have greater power and influence over your own life, allowing for positive transformations. You can also exert this greater power and influence over the events in your life and over the people around you. Relationships with people in positions of power and authority, large organizations and companies should go well, and you can make a big impression on superiors.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus on Sunday, May 13th and will impact Geminis and Virgos most. This transit can stimulate creative thinking and excitement about new ideas leading to flashes of great insight. Routine study and concentration is likely to be disrupted because you are more easily distracted. However, these are excellent conditions for scientific or technical fields like science and mathematics where the grasping of concepts is more important than memorizing formula. Strange or occult fields can be better understood and this includes astrology, with the transitional ruler being Mercury and modern ruler Uranus. Unexpected news may come your way but this transit alone does not imply whether it be good or bad news. Your reaction time is rapid which is good for dexterity but can cause problems like jumping to conclusions or interrupting conversations.
Mars is very strong this week in early Capricorn with lots of energy and confidence to go forth and conquer and vanquish any problems. Saturn is also very strong still by degree and Jupiter is stronger as a retrograde benefic and is also supportive.
Venus moves into Gemini on May 14th and we will write about this later in the week and Sun will move into Taurus on May 14th. Have a great week.
This weeks specials on Vedic Astrology Course on Personal Finance and our Personal Finance Readings.
Save 50.00 on our Reading.
If you missed our fall course, it is available on Videotape to watch at your own leisure. 8 Lessons, 295.00.
Click below to purchase.

This new financial astrology class will support Vedic astrologers and astrology students in addressing money issues in clients’ charts and their own life to help them answer all major aspects of applying Vedic astrology to money matters–-from personal money success to judging investment success in ones chart. It will focus greatly on the psychology of blocks to money in charts for counseling as well as practical techniques to alleviate these blocks as well as using tradition Vedic remedies. Drawing on the work of Reverend Ike and Catherine Ponder it will also offer deep webinar insights into overcoming financial issues.
A basic knowledge of Vedic astrology or Western astrology is required. The class is being geared to benefit basic astrological students as well as those with a more advanced background. Please email questions directly to Barry Rosen at
(Class available on videotape in Dropbox with accompanying Powerpoint presentations)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Vedic Astrology for Money Matters: Understanding Planets, Signs, Houses, Nakshatras, Aspects and Transits for Finance. Larger overview of the 8 Aspects of Lakshmi and Wealth
Lesson 2: Introduction to Personal Finance and Astrology and the Houses Part 1 : Overview of all the money houses including a major focus on 2nd house and introduction to Argala.
Lesson 3: Introduction to Personal Finance and Astrology and the Houses Part 2 Overview of all the money houses including a major focus on 11th houses but also the 8th house .
Lesson 4: Judging Financial and Investment Success in Personal Natal Charts–Focus on the 5th House and the Part of Fortune, Yogi Points and Sri Lagna
Secrets of Remedies Through Tithing
Lesson 5: Good Luck Points in Your Chart: Sri Lagna, Yogi Point, Part of Fortune and Ruler of the Hour of Your Birth.
Lesson 6: Wealth in Divisional Charts
4TH House and Real Estate
D-4–Inheritance and Real Estate
Lesson 7: Remedies for Money Karma 1: Traditional thoughts on Mantras, Pujas and Offerings to Release Blocks.
Lesson 8: The Psychololgical Blocks to Money and its Karma: The Wisdom of the Money Gurus
Deep Karmic Lessons from Past Lives in Your Chart; The Astrology of Self-Sabotage.
Lesson 9: Timing the Periods of Financial Prosperity and Periods of Misfortune.
Course Integration and Synthesis: Putting it All Together.
Please allow 24-48 hours for our staff to deliver to Dropbox download links to your email.
Click below to purchase.