Saturn is opposing the moon today between Gemini and Sagittarius and there is anxiety in the air this morning and as always there is nothing to really worry about. Saturn retrograde is a more powerful malefic and after the first week of June it will retrograde back into Mula Nakshatra (Galactic Center area 0-13.20 Sagittarius). We are going to have master fear of the future or be miserable until late November where it will maintain a deep connection to Ketu.
The mind cannot have an emotion on an abstract level so it attaches to something in the environment. Most of what we fear is mental illusion. Eckhart Tolle reminds us that 99% of our thoughts are garbage so why by into them? My mantra for Saturn is just to recognize the mental noise in your mind and then say, Saturn you can go now. I do not need the fear. We do have power to not just accept the garbage that goes through our head and our destiny is to command the planets if we are a conscious and spiritual person.
Most of the things we fear never happen and its that 1% surprise element that knocks us out of the park. Fear is a survival mechanism to keep us out of danger. If we stick our hand into the fire when we are small, we learn not to do it again but then maybe we are inordinately afraid of fire our entire life. Just remember that most of what we fear does not happen and dismiss it.
Saturn governs the base chakra and often spiritual folks work more on their upper chakras through meditation but if their root chakra is not developed and Saturn is weak in their chart, their financial planning and infrastructure and connection to the earth is a bit out of balance. This can create a lot of instability and fear. Its like a pyramid. If the base of the pyramid is strongly supported, the energies can move higher to the peak. If we have a solid bank account and savings plans then we have the freedom to pursue our spiritual development and not be thrown off balance. If the pyramid is inverted and there is low energy at the base and all the energy is very strong at the top, then there is no stability to support all the spiritual growth. The current transits are challenging our systems.
The Capricorn/Cancer axis, requires security and safety to move forward. As Saturn reconnects to Ketu through the nakshatra of Mula June-November, its security and safety issues will be up more . Capricorn rising in particular, with a 12th house transit from its home, may feel insecure.
Ketu in Capricorn continues to stir up unconscious fear and dread and requires looking deeply into those fears and realizing that most of the time, that which we fear does not happen. 99% of the time, the things we fear do not manifest and it is the surprises that get us.
Do more meditation and yoga and breath work to transform the energy. The chair pose in yoga, grounds us to the earth chakra as does the Mountain pose so that we feel our feet grasping the earth and this creates more security in our life. Use the fear as a wake up call to handle your finances, get into your body and take care of your health. Look up the magicians “fear sleeve” and expose him for the fraud that he is. You are infinitely safe in this universe. (If you want to connect astrology to hatha yoga and chakra analysis, see our workshop at: http://www.
Afflicted Saturn requires us to go more slowly, to not rush around like a rabbit and not to do too much; otherwise, our anxiety level increases and we are more likely to get sick from hypertension or anxiety-related illness. Drink more hot water and calming herbal teas, slow down, do slower exercise, get oil massages and eat more hot meals and you can keep this aspect at bay. If you are running a Saturn period or are ruled by Capricorn or Aquarius or are Sagittarius rising, you may feel the impact more over the coming year. It can get handled. The planets are your friends if you heed their advice and do your work.
On a personal level, use the transits to transform your deep unconscious fears, which is what is coming up heal. What are you afraid of? What are you avoiding dealing with? What can you do to get in unstuck?
Again, charts are very individual and we do not ever want to stereotype people by sign but sometimes its a way of putting one’s finger right away on a core problem for the person’s entire life.
If you need help understanding your chart, view our services at http://
If you need help understanding your chart, view our services at http://appliedvedicastrology.
We will be speaking at the United Astrology Conference in Chicago, on Friday, May 25th at 11 am.
Topic will be: The Eight Aspects of Wealth and the Spiritual Dimensions of Money.
Visit us there if you will be attending. Look forward to meeting you personally. Will be at conference until mid-day on Sunday.
Enjoy our 16 Hour Taped Webinar on the Secrets of Transits:
Module 1
4 Videos; 3 Bonus Videos; PowerPoint Slides and Articles
This seminar is designed for students of Vedic astrology who know the basics and seek to unfold some secret insights into timing your own life and others life. Module 1 goes into deep insights into transits. Having observed transits for 25 years, I have seen how major events unfold and how to time daily events and plan things appropriately. The class is a unique blending of experience and teaching students simple techniques to observe their charts, the world and how karma unfolds and things happen. One can then plan ones week and month a bit better. Rather than planning a picnic when a tornado is hitting, wait for the clearer weather. For questions, email barry@appliedvedicastrology.com. Email for special invoicing if you do not use paypal. Basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology is required. Early reading list and extra videos and study lists will be available to supplement and allow us to go deeper in class.
Weeks 1: Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology and Observing Your Mind Emotions to Become Free.
Transits and Your Chart: Timing Key Events with Transits of Dasha Lord, Ascendant Lord, and Transits to Key Natal Planets in Your Chart and Daily and Weekly Events (2 hours)
Week 2: First week continued with additional rules for aspects and Retrogrades/ Aspects to Your Natal Chart.
Five Bonus Videos on intermediate rules for aspects, retrogrades and judging negative and positive impacts of transits and aspects and an introduction to Jaimini astrology
Week 3: Secrets of Nakshatra Transits and Bonus Video on Navatara (2 hours plus 1 bonus video)
Week 4: Advanced Transits: Retrograde Rules; Eclipses, Larger Planets, Secretes of Sade Sat, Advanced rules of Rahu/Ketu and Jupiter. . (2 hours)
Purchase at: