Once in a while we get what Western Astrologers call a mutual reception or exchange of signs and in Vedic astrology it is know as a Parivatana Yoga (abbreviated PVY). It can be very powerful and it allows a connection and association between the houses involved and is often stronger than a planetary aspect. In this case, between May 26th and June 8th, Mercury is in Venus’s sign of Taurus and Venus in in Mercury’s sign of Gemini .
If you have this in your natal chart, it can be read as a conjunction. In this case they are friends and Western astrologers would say that the exchange may bring out stronger dignity although Vedic astrologers will focus more on what houses are being exchanged.
Mercury in Taurus is unafflicted now in transit so its positive qualities of fun-loving, love of philosophy, musical and artistic interests and humanitarian energies are enlivened. It also can foster comedic sensibilities, persuasive speaking, love of clubs and spiritual performances. Mercury stays in Taurus until June 9th and will benefit Virgos in particular with a 9th house transit and exchange with the 10th house supporting rise in career or foreign travel or deep connections with father and Gurus.
It is thought that an exchange of signs should be read as a conjunction and Mercury/Venus connections support poetry and song-writing, business expansion and love of communication so a good time to go to Toastmaster or take up a creative writing class.
In Vedic astrology, the houses exchanged have the most impact and enliven a connection between them. Hence Leo rising will do best with this exchange between between their 10th and 11th house and this will support gains at work, fulfillment of desires, and achievement at work and successful investment with the aspect onto the 5th house. This would be really true if you have this in your natal chart but I find these exchanges are powerful in transit.
For Taurus rising, it is a positive exchange of 1st and 2nd houses creating a dhana yoga supporting gains from family, articulate speech, skill in managing money and assets and the family business.
For Cancer  rising, the exchange is between the 11th and 12th house and is is a Dainya Yoga which can create unrest in group activities and financial matters, risk of debt, expenses from foreign exports or duties. Income may be eaten up by matching expenditures so save extra money and stay frugal.
Virgo rising also does better with this exchange between the 9th and 10th houses and this supports career, higher education, ethics and religious and philosophical studies.
Scorpio rising has an exchange between 7 and 8 creating difficulties with partnerships and relationships and Mercury and Venus are functional malefics fo Scorpio.
We cannot take the time to go through all the combinations but in general combine the houses involve and if they are positive house combinations likes 1,4,7,10,5,9,2,11 then the exchange is positive but if they combine with house 3,6,8 or 12, then the exchange is more difficult.
Want to know how this impacts your chart. Sign up for a reading at www.appliedvedicastrology.com
under the request tab:Â https://www.appliedvedicastrology.com/reading-information-submission/
If you missed our fall course, it is available on Videotape to watch at your own leisure. 8 Lessons, 295.00.
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This new financial astrology class will support Vedic astrologers and astrology students in addressing money issues in clients’ charts and their own life to help them answer all major aspects of applying Vedic astrology to money matters–-from personal money success to judging investment success in ones chart.  It will focus greatly on the psychology of blocks to money in charts for counseling as well as practical techniques to alleviate these blocks as well as using tradition Vedic remedies. Drawing on the work of Reverend Ike and Catherine Ponder it will also offer deep webinar insights into overcoming financial issues.
A basic knowledge of Vedic astrology or Western astrology is required. The class is being geared to benefit basic astrological students as well as those with a more advanced background. Please email questions directly to Barry Rosen at barry2@fortucast.com.
(Class available on videotape in Dropbox with accompanying Powerpoint presentations)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Vedic Astrology for Money Matters: Understanding Planets, Signs, Houses, Nakshatras, Aspects and Transits for Finance. Larger overview of the 8 Aspects of Lakshmi and Wealth
Lesson 2:Â Â Introduction to Personal Finance and Astrology and the Houses Part 1Â :Â Overview of all the money houses including a major focus on 2nd house and introduction to Argala.
Lesson 3: Introduction to Personal Finance and Astrology and the Houses Part 2 Overview of all the money houses including a major focus on 11th houses but also the 8th house  .
Lesson 4: Judging Financial and Investment Success in Personal Natal Charts–Focus on the 5th House and the Part of Fortune, Yogi Points and Sri Lagna
Secrets of Remedies Through Tithing
Lesson 5: Good Luck Points in Your Chart: Sri Lagna, Yogi Point, Part of Fortune and Ruler of the Hour of Your Birth.
Lesson 6: Wealth in Divisional Charts
4TH House and Real Estate
D-4–Inheritance and Real Estate
Lesson 7: Remedies for Money Karma 1:Â Traditional thoughts on Mantras, Pujas and Offerings to Release Blocks.
Lesson 8:Â The Psychololgical Blocks to Money and its Karma:Â The Wisdom of the Money Gurus
Deep Karmic Lessons from Past Lives in Your Chart; The Astrology of Self-Sabotage.
Lesson 9:Â Timing the Periods of Financial Prosperity and Periods of Misfortune.
Course Integration and Synthesis:Â Putting it All Together.
Please allow 24-48 hours for our staff to deliver to Dropbox download links to your email.
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Product Description:
Over 360 pages of useful information
(Not a Panchanga or daily calendar but articles and interpretations)
This book in PDF format (e-book) and is downloadable and includes:
- General political and economic overviews of the year and guide to major events and key challenging points for the year.
- General articles teaching what retrogrades, combustion, planetary aspects, dashas and eclipses mean.
- Guide to Saturn in Sagittarius including individual guides for your rising and moon signs.
- Guide to Jupiter in Libra including individual guides for your rising and moon sign. Jupiter in Scorpio.
- Guide to Rahu and Ketu in Cancer and Capricorn including individual guides for your rising and moon sign.
- Major General Guide for Interpreting Planetary Dashas when the planet is strong or afflicted.
- Information on 2018 Eclipses and impacts.
- Articles and Interpretation of Major Transits of Mars, Venus, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter through all the major signs and connecting them to your rising sign.
- Listings of Full Moons, New Moons and Major Planetary Conjunctions and Oppositions.
- Lists of Planetary Nakshatra Transit Dates.
- List of Planetary Retrograde Dates and Explanation
- Periods of Planetary Combustion and Explanation
- Articles about Planetary Aspects and Major aspects of the Year.
- Dates for Kala Sarpa Yoga in Transits.
- Major theoretical and astrological articles.
- Guide to Sade Sat: The Hidden Insights into What it Means and How to Calculate.
- Articles about Major Vedic Holidays.
- Six major articles on Saturn.
- Discussion of Neptune and Uranus and impact on Mundane Astrology.
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