I always learn a lot from my Western astrological friends and we have an interesting case for Mars coming up for about 3 months, where it goes out of bounds which is abbreviated as OBB.   From a Western astrological viewpoint, planets are out of bounds if they exceed 23.27 degrees north or south of the equator. We all know that the Sun reaches its maximum northern declination at the summer solstice and its maximum winter declination at the winter solstice so we can understand that the Moon, Mercury, Venus  and Mars have a potential extreme declination at different parts of the year  that can be too far north or too far south.  Vedic programs like Sri Jyoti Star do calculate this information on the Astronomical Data function.

Currently on July 4th, Mars is -23.12 South of the equator and on July 6th it will go out of bounds until late September.  What does it all mean?

Out of bounds planets tend to have an extreme levels of personality which may seem a bit abnormal and in contrast to the norms of society. They tend to display more creative thinking, can be more visionary, inspirational and require extreme freedom of thought  and action.  This may be a great summer for athletes to display extreme skill and energy in sports and will make for good watching in the world cup and in summer baseball.

When Mars is out of bounds, it may be more bold, ultra-masculine, have strong physical vitality and passion, have a strong urge for adventure and display extreme boldness  and leadership and be very confident.   Katherine Hepburn (May 12, 1907, 17:47 pm, Hartford, CT) is an example of a famous person who had an out of bound Mars in her natal chart.  She was quoted as saying once, “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”  She was dearly love for her enthusiasm and sense of adventure and was fond of wearing men’s slacks at a time when women were in dresses.  She had a very bold a woman of her time and did not wear make-up off-screen and was admired for her independence and her ability to compete with her male stars.   She earned 12 Academy Award nominations and won 4 of them.  (see :

Rajneesh (Osho), (Dec 11, 1931, at 5:13 PM in Bhopal, India) has 4 out of bounds planes in his chart, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Venus  in the 9th house in Sagittarius,  which helps shed light on his radical and independent personality, extreme charisma in reshaping traditional views 9th house spiritual and religious affairs. Aries rising, ruled by Mars, was strongly asserting his spiritual independence in very radical and creative ways.

When Mars is out of bounds, it can lead to more self-centered energy but also extremes in courage, endurance and passion.   When afflicted as it will be with Ketu and on the eclipse poles, it could become more extreme in terms of violence, anger, impulsive energy, excessive force and capable of picking unprovoked fights.

With Mars out of bounds in transit this summer, you are going to have to go out of your way to be kind, accommodating and working with others because Mars is going to take over in wanting to be stubborn, doing it “my way” and exercising extreme force to get it done.  Already with Ketu there all summer, Mars is exhibiting some this behavior but now the out of bounds energy will ramp it up even more to an extreme fever pitch.

We have been concerned this summer that rioting in troubled parts of the globe will increase. Venezuela is a prime candidate for problems.  The EU, which is a Cancer rising chart has Mars transiting the 7th house in Capricorn and is likely to be gripped by conflict between those wanting to keep immigrants out and angry immigrants asserting their territory. Already in Oregon last weekend, we had rioting with liberals wanting open borders and we expect some this will increase this summer.  It will be a long and hot summer so find ways to stay cool and keep Mars under control so he does not do too much damage.

On the positive side, Aries and Scorpio Rising and Pisces rising and Leo rising may benefit from the extra energy and courage to tackle difficult projects and barrel through with extra power but be careful about walking on other’s toes.  As Mars has been moving toward out of bounds, I have found myself being more independent, assertive and pushing through boundaries—sometimes for the better but sometimes running over my wife in the process.

Again awareness about what is going on will allow us to be more conscious so we do not hurt others. I was in Chicago last weekend and I was amazed at the high number of people driving like crazy people, passing on the right at extreme speeds and  weaving through lanes as if they were going to get somewhere faster.  This is a great example of the exalted and afflicted Mars out of control and now we have to add out of bounds to the mix so drive carefully and find a way to be cooperative rather than aggressive. So be safe out there!

Need help with the summer transits for the summer?  Sign up for a reading with us at  under the Request tab.

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