Its Friday, ruled by Venus and with the strong position in Libra, a subtle love hangs over to sweeten the emotional grunge.  Good day to connect with your partner, dance, do something fun together and celebrate your love.  Venus in Libra is saving us and from Oct. 6-10th we will get three benefics in Libra, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury creating a powerful yoga.

Venus in Libra for  4 months providing peace and a breather from the Mars/Ketu tensions.This placement is a life saver and brings all kinds of wonderful energies including elegance, being well-respected, artistic creativity, balance in thought and deep, good intuition, passion, enthusiasm, comfort, luxury and humanitarian enterprises.

Of course, Libra rising will feel this most as it is a Malavya Yoga, but Capricorns and Aquarians will benefit greatly from it as well as Geminis and Virgos.
Enemies of Venus, like Mars, Jupiter and the Sun may have challenges with this transit.

Scorpios have to watch expenditures and sexual indulgences. Leo, Taurus and Aries rising get 3rd, 6th and 7th house transits of Venus, which are more challenging.
Still a deeper sense of ease and comfort will come, as it’s such a contrast for Libra rising going from the deep debilitation of Virgo the previous month to the comfort of being home. More harmony in relationships should be felt unless you have any natal malefic planets in Aries or Libra causing problems. Ah, the break that refreshes!

Venus will be stationary in two week into Oct. 5th and is very powerful and retrograde Venus as a benefic is more powerful to do good but can get afflicted by the Sun with combustion. Venus goes  combust October 21st – 31st. Venus is actually spiritualized by being so close to the Sun, although, some of its outer values and significations are challenged.

So celebrate Venus today in the midst of the emotional storms and she will soothe your trouble psyche and battered soul.

Our new book should be published over the next week. In final editing and Mercury in Virgo should help:

Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Available Early Fall 2018!

Barry’s spiritual and psychological approach to astrology seeks to cut the puppet strings of the planets that impact our emotions and psychology and bind us to self-blame, doubt and fear, and anger.  This useful guide will help you navigate your life.

Pre-Order Discount for  Your Copy of Barry Rosen’s New E-Book Today!
Available by Sept. 21st 2018!


Book in 7 Sections:

  1. Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions of Vedic Astrology
  2.  Blind Spots in Vedic Astrology and those Hidden Patterns.
  3. Secrets of the 12 Houses–over 15 articles.
  4. Managing Saturn in Your Chart.
  5. Psychological and Emotional Realms of Interpretation for Signs, Retrogrades, Combust Planets and more.
  6. Articles on Relationship
  7. Articles connecting Vedic Astrology to Spirituality and Patanjali.

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 Free preview class on Saturday, Sept. 29th 12-2 pm CDT on Go to Webinar.  Sign up at. Replays available if you miss it.

Lesson 1: Introduction to  the Principles of Using Varga Charts for Refining Analysis 

(Free introductory class)

Free CLASS 1   Saturday, SEPT. 29TH  12:00-2:00 pm Central Time

Sign up for free  at Go to Webinar:

Readings:  Barry specializes in over 15 types of readings including everything from health and finance to life purpose and finding your ideal place to live.  See his new website page with all the offerings at:



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