EYE ON THE SKY: Complex Web of Emotional Tangles.

Our mental and emotional energies are deeply impacted by the Nakshatras that the planets transit through.  While we can say that Venus in Libra is wonderful and that Jupiter in Scorpio is in a friends house, this gets a bit superficial.  How we feel is often guided by what constellation the moon is transiting through everyday and the constellations that our ascendant lord and dasha lord transit are transit  are also most important   Often a complex web of mental entanglements and emotions is tied up in a matrix in the way that the different planets are connected through the Nakshatras.

For example, Jupiter is Anuradha (Scorpio 3.20-16.40) until Christmas and while this constellation is good for spiritual work and meditation and spiritual networking and is very positive, it is channeling Saturn in Sagittarius  and Saturn is in the constellation of Mula (Sagittarius 10-13.20) ruled by Ketu and it is in the most difficult part  of that transit until Thanksgiving so some of Jupiter’s joy and expansion is tempered by Saturn’s struggling and suffering.

The Sun is in Rahu’s constellation of Swati until Nov. 6th channeling Rahu’s energy and Rahu is in the auspicious constellation of Pushya (Cancer 3.20-16.40) which is owned by Saturn.  And while Rahu is being uplifted in this constellation  by the higher energies of Brihaspati, the priest of the gods, he is still channeling Saturn’s energy and Saturn is not happy in Mula nakshatra as stated above.

Mercury went into Anuradha today  which is also ruled by Saturn and it can create more negative thinking by the association with Saturn so with all the malefic constellations, you can be subject to stress, fatigue, worry and anxiety. .

So you can see that four  major planets are very indirectly related to Saturn and Saturn is not exactly happy now so there is deep emotional grunge connected to loss of loved ones, loss of material prosperity and a desire to let go and transcend, to rest and to check out.

Remember,  Saturn is trying to move us into higher spiritual realms. So use all of this emotional grunge to go deeper into your spiritual practice. Take a meditation retreat.  Start a new spiritual practice and you will get through the next next month.  The key to the transit is severing the bondage which constricts us and this is the deepest lesson for the month of November.

Andrew Foss in Yoga of the Planets,  gives the Mantra and for Saturn in Pada 4 (Sagittarius 10-13.20):

Om dhanur mandala samsthaya Namaha.

This is a mouthful but if you know Sanskrit  it would be powerful through November. To be simpler, just do, Om Namah Shivya, 108 times to soften Saturn and help you server the bonds which are blocking you.

Consider our Videotape Series in 12 Lessons on Nakshatras.  On Sale for 249.00 through Nov. 3rd.


If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at:



Vedic Astrology Transit Guide 2019 – 2020



A guide for anyone interested in understanding planetary transits that often blocks us from moving forward in our life.

Barry’s unique spiritual and psychological approach to astrology will help you understand how planet placement impacts your emotions and psychology that bind us to self-blame, doubt and fear, and anger.

This guide for 2019-2020 will help you plan the next few years by your rising sign so you know the best months of the year for progress and how the larger transits for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the eclipses will impact your life.

Articles Included in This Book:

  • Saturn/Ketu conjunction for March-Nov. 2019
  • Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio and Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
  • Rahu and Ketu’s Transit through Gemini/Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
  • Saturn/Ketu/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius
  • Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction
  • Eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius
  • Political and economic Landscape for 2019-21
  • Guides to major transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and all the transits of the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury and Eclipses and Periods of Combustion
  • General articles on eclipses, retogrades, combustion, exalted and debilitated planets, planetary aspects, signs and dashas.
  • Over 300 pages.

As a bonus, Barry has included global and economic, political forecasts for those interested in Mundane astrology.

This is definitely a reference book to have on your shelf for practicing astrologers or just people who like to dabble!
It will also be useful for both Vedic and Western astrologers!

Click here for more information:
Click here to order and Save $5.00 before release date.



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