The world is still a bit in transition for a few more days. The Sun is in Sagittarius in Mula nakshatra (Sag. 0-13.20) where difficult energies and karmic lessons involving leadership, fatherhood and deep soul lessons arise. In astronomy, this is also an area called the Galactic Center which is the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The world is moving toward the Winter solstice into Dec. 21st where the end of darkness of the year is ending and we are moving into the full moon in Ardra on Saturday which is a difficult constellation owned by Rahu and connected to deep purification. The Sun is also moving closer to Saturn increasing tensions with the government, between fathers and son and between bosses and employees and that energy peaks into Jan 1s. Things may feel other-worldly this week as we move with the universe into warp speed.
Cultures around the world have celebrated the winter solstice with music and meditation and rest. The solstice is a time to rest and honor the changing electromagnetic energies and rebalancings of the planet. There is a kick of extra energy around the solstice and sometimes we think we can run that extra mile in the marathon or run to those last 2-3 stores. Plan ahead this year. Do not overdo it even if you are feeling pushed as this can lead to sickness and spoil the upcoming Christmas holiday and rebirth that comes with Christmas.
The Galactic Center, which is the center of the Milky Way is located at 3 degrees Sagittarius and is a powerful point which the Sun will hit earlier in the week but it is still very close. For those of you not familiar with the galactic center, it is the heart of the Sun and the source of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy. In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95-foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 3 degrees of Sagittarius. In the late 1960s, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.
Lynn Koiner describing the energy of the Galactic Center says that it is the: ” sensitive and intuitive ray energy – it is sensitive to sound, color and vibration. It is not exactly sensitive like Neptune because the Galactic Center has a Uranus “feel” to it. When you experience a “hard” Uranus transit, it over-stimulates the nadis and the nervous system so that you feel like your fingers are stuck in an electrical outlet.”
On the level of pure physics, there is a lot of extra electromagnetic energies that will hit your system this week and it may seem like something out of a science fiction movie as you move into hyper-drive so make sure that you take it easy, kick your feet up, take a warm bath, meditate and relax. The world will seem like it is changing in a big way this week.
I believe Yogananda in talking about the symbolism of Christmas said it well. Paraphrasing: Prepare for a new rebirth within yourself as the light of the Christ child is ready to awaken within you by Christmas and begin a new season and a new year. Happy holidays. Plan ahead. Take it easy and enjoy.
If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at:
24.95 until January 5th; PDF Download in early January; Available on Amazon Softback late January 2019.
Vedic Astrology Transit Guide 2019 – 2020
A guide for anyone interested in understanding planetary transits that often blocks us from moving forward in our life.
Barry’s unique spiritual and
This guide for 2019-2020 will help you plan the next
Articles Included in This Book:
- Saturn/Ketu conjunction for March-Nov. 2019
- Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio and Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
- Rahu and Ketu’s Transit through Gemini/Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
- Saturn/Ketu/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius
- Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction
- Eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius
- Political and economic Landscape for 2019-21
- Guides to major transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and all the transits of the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury and Eclipses and Periods of Combustion
- General articles on eclipses, retogrades, combustion, exalted and debilitated planets, planetary aspects, signs and dashas.
- Over 300 pages.
As a bonus, Barry has
This is definitely a
It will also be useful for
BONUS: Will send the 2018-19 addition free now as a gift. Chock full of great articles and some material on 2019.
What fellow astrologers are saying about last year’s edition:
“This almanac is truly a masterpiece and labor of love. Barry is a gifted astrologer and writer. I have written yearly forecasts for over 30 years and understand the work, knowledge and dedication involved. It is so complete with everything a beginner or advanced student of astrology would need. The references to the planet’s transit through the signs, nakshatras, aspects, dates and times, plus their interpretations is fantastic. He even covers the effects these will have on individual countries. I am sure I will be referring to this manual frequently throughout the year.”
Joni Patry, author and Vedic Astrologer
Pre-order and SAVE 5.00. Coming out Dec. 15th.
If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at:
19.95 for color pdf download; soon on Amazon black and white hard copy for 24.95.
What critics are saying: “Barry’ Poetic Tour de Force unveils lays of psychological wisdom that heals the troubled soul.–Jamie Bateman
The book is accessible for people who do not know much about astrology and is meant for a larger audience and only small parts of it are technical .
The deepest purpose of astrology should allow us to see the Maya or illusion that runs through our mind and blocks us from seeing our own Divinity. Astrology should reveal our hidden patterns and not just affirm what we know about our self already. It is our hidden patterns and blind spots which get us into the most trouble and cause us the most suffering. It takes courage to look at them, bring them into the light and transforms them but that is why we are on the planet. It is much like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day (1993). How many times do we have to repeat our lives and relive our pain or do we realize our flaws and actively work on them and transform ourselves into a more conscious and active and loving and compassionate person. In this brilliant collection of essays divided into 7 sections, Psychological and Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Secrets of the Houses, Blind Spots. Spiritual Astrology, Relationship and Techniques, Barry reveals material beyond the ordinary in unveiling our True Self beyond the illusion. The great spiritual teacher Yogananda was fond of saying that most of what we call the spiritual battle is really a psychological battle and once that battle is won, the spiritual battle is a short one. This book aims to support you in deep spiritual growth with profound psychological insight.
Barry’s spiritual and psychological approach to astrology seeks to cut the puppet strings of the planets that impact our emotions and psychology and bind us to self-blame, doubt and fear, and anger. This useful guide will help you navigate your life.
Will be sent within 24-48 hours via Dropbox.
Module 1
9Weeks : Live Saturdays, Jan. 20-March 9nd 12-2 pm CST.
This seminar is designed for students of Vedic astrology who know the basics and seek to unfold some secret insights into timing your own life and others life. Module 1 goes into deep insights into transits. Having observed transits for 25 years, I have seen how major events unfold and how to time daily events and plan things appropriately. The class is a unique blending of experience and teaching students simple techniques to observe their charts, the world and how karma unfolds and things happen. One can then plan ones week and month a bit better. Rather than planning a picnic when a tornado is hitting, wait for the clearer weather. This is a 4 class expansion from my original course and provides more advanced knowledge and depth.
For questions, email barry@appliedvedicastrology.com. Email for special invoicing if you do not use PayPal. Basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology is required. Early reading list and extra videos and study lists will be available to supplement and allow us to go deeper in class.
Weeks 1: Transits and Your Chart: Timing Key Events with Transits of Dasha Lord, Ascendant Lord, and Transits to Key Natal Planets in Your Chart and Daily and Weekly Events (2 hours)
Week 2-3: Understanding Retrogrades, Combustion, Exalted and Debilitated Planets and Planetary Aspects
Week 4-5: Panchanga: Understanding the Impact of Tithi, Nithayoga, Karana and Nakshatra on Daily Experience
Week 6: Secrets of Nakshatras Transits and Navatara
Week 7: Transit through Nakshatras using Savrabhadra Chakra and Understanding Tarabala.
Week 8: Advanced Transits: Eclipses, Outer Planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) , Secrets of Sade Sat, Advanced rules of Rahu/Ketu and Jupiter. (2 hours)
Week 9: Ashtakavarga and Vedha and Refining Transit Predictions
Course Integration: Intergrating Dashas and Transits.
Order at:
Have a great day!