Bad news sells as the nature of the mind is to cling to and exaggerate the negative.  The media has learned this as if you want to increase ratings, paint a bleak picture of life on the planet and show all the catastrophe in the world.  Astrology has to move away toward this tendency. There is always something positive coming from even the most difficult world events.  I saw this with 9/11 as the world poured their hearts on money and love and service into helping New York.    People are good even when a few bad people try to spoil it for the rest of us.

With the eclipse this past weekend   and  Mercury conjunct Ketu the past few days,  people  are very much on edge about the economy, China, and the state of government whether it is Brexit in the UK or the wall and government shut-down in the US.  There is a lot of fear up  because Saturn in Sagittarius is naturally dampening its optimistic energy and this influence will be there until Saturn gets out of Sagittarius into Capricorn in Jan. 2020.   The US is a Sagittarius rising country and many think that the UK is Gemini rising and some of my colleagues think the UK is a Sagittarius rising chart so Saturn on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis is whipping the energy up in these countries and when Rahu and Ketu go into this axis in March 2019, even more energy will be whipped up this year.

The eclipses  can bring up intense fear also as the optimism of the Sun and Moon  get eaten up by Rahu and Ketu which becomes a metaphor for allowing the darkness to temporarily destroy the Divine light and plunge us into fear?   It is all illusion. Know that the Divine is taking care of you in the same way that a mother cat nurtures her new born kittens. Why would God put us on this planet and not provide the resources and love to get us through?

Luckily the moon moves quickly but it said that the impact of an eclipse can last 3-6 months for key signs.   Still we have to use the power of our consciousness to overcome the darkness.   The light of Divinity cannot be snuffed out for very long but our minds can get trapped in fear for days.  Remember Y2K when everyone thought the world would end in 2000 or the Mayan calendar ending in 2012?    For some reason, the mind  likes to cling to fear.  Yes, be safe, but 99% of the things you fear, never happen.   Fear is like taking a 100 pound suitcase on a trip because you are afraid you will need this and that when you need a 10 pound carry on bag!

Depsite the terrorist and psychopaths in the media brewing up fear,   God is still running the show.  Do we want to spoil our belief in the innate beauty of deeper family connections and love and forget who we really are or get mired in the media’s story that the world is a terrible place?

Stay away from the drama of politics.  Why pour so much hate and attention at the President and his cabinet?     The wise yogis remind us that when you point 2 fingers at someone, 3 fingers point back at us.  Which means when you talk ill of others and project negativity toward others, it comes back to you even more strongly. The other person does not feel any of it. In fact it fills your own mind with hate and robs your love.   That is why it is thought not to speak ill of others because you take away their darkness and it goes to you.   The wise saints are always neutral about bad people.

I remember how clear this was for me when I watched the film Fahrenheit 9/11  by Moore.  While a brilliant film, I came out with nausea as I had put my attention on all the bad qualities of George Bush for two hours.  One of my Gurus used to say, that what you see, you become.  Watch a horror movie for 2 hours and you will become intense fear.   So why waste your time watching these people?  Yes we want a better country but go out into your community and help troubled people directly rather than  spend your time angry at selfish politicians who will never lift a finger to help others while being paid by their corporate lackeys.  We are so naive to think that our politicians will serve the people and if you get rid of one, they will get replaced by another corrupt one.  By 2019/20, I do think that the people will rise up against corruption but we are still too mesmerized by our cell phones and streaming TV shows to use our energy to go out and make a difference with community service.  At least donate to organizations that do make a difference.  We are here on this planet to discover deeper and more spiritual truths and become enlightened and awakened human beings not to become paralyzed in fear and confusion by a media that is owned by corporate obligarchy that  wants to control your mind or to become addicted to the feeds on our cell phone.

Don’t let the media fool you. The world is a wonderful place. There are good people doing good things to help humanity everyday.  Do not buy into the dread and confusion.  The mind tends to  amplify  the few bad things that happening in our world and make them seem like they are 100 times worse  than they are.

Take this precious winter  time to hug a loved one, enjoy a wonderful cooked dish and see  beyond the doom and gloom. Yes, we have problems ahead but God has a plan, bigger and brighter than we can imagine.   I leave you with a wonderful quote from one of my favorite books, Emmanuel’s Book: A Guide to Living in the Cosmos.

Fear of the unknown is forgetfulness.

There is no such thing

as the “unknown”

to the soul.

There is a natural fear and resistance

when one does not recall

one’s own Divinity.

You are safe. You are safe.

You are infinitely safe.

Oh, my dears,

if I could only make it possible

for you to experience the loving, gentle kindness

of the universe,

the balance, the fairness,

the sweetness and the joy.

there would never be another moment of fear

in your entire lives

And that is true. 


If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at:


Still time to get into my Vedic Transit Class which cover both fundamental and advanced material on transits and interpretation.   First class available on video. Next live class on Saturday, Feb. 2nd.  Missed classes available to watch on recorded videos at your leisure.  195.00 for 9 classes. Details at:



For more articles like this, purchase our 2019-20 VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL TRANSIT GUIDE AVAILBABLE VERY SOON: 


Vedic Astrology Transit Guide 2019 – 2020

guide for anyone interested in understanding planetary transits that often blocks us from moving forward in our life.

This guide for 2019-2020 will help you plan the next few years by your rising sign so you know the best months of the year for progress and how the larger transits for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the eclipses will impact your life.

Articles Included in This Book:

  • Saturn/Ketu conjunction for March-Nov. 2019
  • Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio and Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
  • Rahu and Ketu’s Transit through Gemini/Sagittarius by Rising and Moon Sign
  • Saturn/Ketu/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius
  • Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction
  • Eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius
  • Political and economic Landscape for 2019-21
  • Guides to major transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and all the transits of the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury and Eclipses and Periods of Combustion
  • General articles on eclipses, retogrades, combustion, exalted and debilitated planets, planetary aspects, signs and dashas, nakshatras and financial astrology .
  • Over 300 pages. Part 1 available this week is 175 pages.

This is definitely a reference book to have on your shelf for practicing astrologers or just people who like to dabble!
It will also be useful for both Vedic and Western astrologers!

Click here for more information:


BONUS: Will send the 2018-19 addition free now as a gift. Chock full of great articles and some material on 2019.

What fellow astrologers are saying about last year’s edition:

“This almanac is truly a masterpiece and labor of love. Barry is a gifted astrologer and writer. I have written yearly forecasts for over 30 years and understand the work, knowledge and dedication involved. It is so complete with everything a beginner or advanced student of astrology would need. The references to the planet’s transit through the signs, nakshatras, aspects, dates and times, plus their interpretations is fantastic. He even covers the effects these will have on individual countries. I am sure I will be referring to this manual frequently throughout the year.”
Joni Patry, author and Vedic Astrologer


If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at:


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