Rahu, the north node, connected to eclipses is very much connected to our desire nature and purpose in this incarnation. Wherever it lands, we are continually craving and never can have enough. If it is in the 2nd house, we are always craving more money, food or love of our family. The signs, constellations (nakshatras) and positions in the D-9 chart color the intensity that it creates.   More problematic with Rahu is that if it afflicts your natal moon in chart or if you were born around an eclipse or with Rahu associated to your moon.
Rahu/Moon associations could manifest in a number of ways with Rahu in Cancer, Rahu in the Moon’s nakshatras of Shravana (Capricorn 10-23.20, Rohini (Taurus 10-23.20) and Hasta (10-23.20 Virgo) or Rahu conjunct or opposed to the natal moon. This influence may show up in transit of these areas or during Rahu/Moon or Moon/Rahu dashas. Rahu in the 4th and 5th house can impair our mind and judgment.  Many of these combinations can  causes mental anguish and mental aberration at times. Here is a summary of some of its key points:
- Its nature is shadow and hence we cannot always get a grip on the mental blocks and delusions that it creates. You cannot get a handle on the unconscious patterns and garbage that swim through your mind.
- It can create a demented mind and lead to bizarre thoughts and obsessions and mental anguish.
- It seeks to take us off the spiritual path and destroy the light and make us think that material satisfaction will make us happy and fulfilled.
- At best Rahu when strong makes one materialistic when it strong in Taurus or Virgo or Aquarius.
It causes us to not think clearly creates confusion, vagueness and cloudiness. - It is a planet of delusions and psychosis.
- When very afflicted it can lead to suicide or homicide in blocking clarity
If you have Rahu connected to your natal moon the mental affliction may be more pronounced and then monthly transit connections of Rahu conjunct the moon or Ketu may trigger mental aberration for a few days. Eclipses occurring in your natal moon sign or ascendant or 4th or 5th house may impact mental functioning seriously and dashas connected to Rahu/Moon, Moon/Rahu or Moon/Ketu or Ketu moon may trigger longer periods of mental confusion. Long transits of Rahu or Ketu over your natal moon may cause weeks of mental confusion and psychological aberration.
Meditation is always a key remedy but Rahu/Moon afflictions may not allow you to easily meditate due to restlessness. So you would need to adopt a strict regime of hatha yoga, pranayamas to settle you down and then move into meditation.  Still a regular meditation practice is vital to long-term mental health.
The key to Rahu is Durga, who has the power to take the mind out of the cycle of craving, addiction and self-deprecation and guilt. Durga chants and mantras done on a Saturday and started during a waxing moon can bring relief. You can play Durga Chaisa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXvmt88JLWg or chant
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
This mantra would need to be done 18,000 times over a number of moths and started during a waxing moon on a Saturday and done with deep devotion on the feeling level from the heart.
Rahu’s affliction to the moon could require a more powerful mantra:
Aum Hrim Srim Klim Durgati-nasinyai Mahamayaya Swaha.
On an herbal level, you can take calamus root as a remedy and it can remove the wavering mind and help sensory over-stimulation.
Special thanks to Freedom Cole and Sanjay rather and Pundit Samavedula for their support and wisdom on this topic.
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