One of the most common questions that comes up in readings is connected to career and life purpose. They are not always in sych. We all know people who are talent musicians and that is what they have to but they cannot earn a living from it and end up waiting on tables to pay the rent. There are also deeper issues with this incarnation and karma that has to be worked out and we have discussed that in articles on Atmakarka and we have a videotape on You Tube around that.
The issue of career and life purpose has fascinated me for years and the answer is often trying to find coherence in many different ways of rotating the chart. Here are some things to look at:
1) The 10th from the moon in moon chart (Chandra Lagna) is the job and career you would like to do and will often indicated when you will start your work career.
2) The Sun chart tells how we appear in the world and is very connected to finance and profession. The planet in the 4th house from the Sun and the owner of the 4th house from the Sun will tell us what ideal profession will make our heart sing.   Planets 10th from the Sun will reveal the karma you were born to serve society.
3) The Amatyakaraka is the planet with the 2nd highest degrees in a chart and in Jamini astrology it is connected to the 2nd, 10th and 11th houses. My Amatyakaraka is Jupiter and I have always been most happy teaching and being involved in research and knowledge.
4) The D-9 chart can reveal your talents. Rising sign of the D-9 chart will reveal your inner talents. Planets in the 10th house or the owner of the 10th house will show our primary focus on life in terms of activity and what we like to do. Gemini is the owner of my 10th house in the D-9 and my whole life has revolved around teaching, writing, libraries and everything Gemini and the love of reading.
5) The 4 aims of life in Vedic culture are Moksha and the quest for liberation or enlightenment; Dharma for unholding and protecting the laws of society; Artha or Business to support material existence. Kama or pleasure and relationship energy to connect people through communication. These are connected to the major castes: The teachers and priests or Brahmins of our society, the soldiers and policemen and judges who are the kashatriyas who protect our society; the businessmen or the vijays who provide the infrastructrure to support the growth of society and the worker class or shudras who work for the businessmen. There are also the farmers, the butchers ( probably an ancient form of sacrificial priest) and the outcasts who are responsible for changing out-mode societal structures.
In the Nakshatras we can connect the chart to different castes and there are ways to look at the D-9 chart to see what is your primary life path in this lifetime. It is rather complicated to discuss here.
6) There are a number of Jamini charts that reveal life purpose and talents. The Karakamsha Navamsha chart which rotates the D-9 chart around the Atmakaraka is very revealing for seeing your talents in its 1st, 5th and 9th houses. The Karakamsha Rashi chart which intergrates the rotated D9 with the Rashi chart is very revealing for seeing life purpose. My Karakamsha rashi chart is Gemini rising with Jupiter and Ketu in the 1st and Mercury the Lord of Gemini in the 9th. Teaching spiritual knowledge and jyotish is very clear in that chart.
7) The Arudha lagna chart shows us how people see us and it may be very different from we feel inside. I have a friend with Rahu conjunct the Arudha lagna and he looks like a gangster, has played parts like that in film and I never trust him. I am Capricorn rising in Arudha with Venus cojunction that chart and people see me as friendly and prosperous businessman and it impacts my career.
8) The 10th house of the natal chart is not really about career although it may have a small impact it shows your attitude toward work. So Ketu and Mercury and the Moon if afflicted are most problematic there as you may be all over the place mentally about work and what you are doing and not poised to settle down because you are too scattered.
9) The D-10 or Dashamsha chart and the lord of the 10th there and the 10th lord of D-1 chart will also tell us about career and there is rich information there throughout.
This is a fascinating topic and one has to integrate and pull and synthesize all of these components in order to come up with an answer. It can be complicated if the different components are out of synch and helping people requires creating coherence around them.
The first lesson of my new class will give an overview of this material. It will be at 3:30 pm on Saturday, July 27th CDT on Go to Webinar. You can sign up at the link below and will receive a link to the video if you cannot attend live. The full course will start Saturdays, August 17th and will run 14 weeks into the fall.
Sign up for free at;Â https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1208460435935735298
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