Mars is moving toward the last 3 degrees of Cancer which is know in Vedic astrology as a gandanta point. The final 3 degrees between the water and fire signs is a deep emotional transition point. It is know as a knot. If you are born with planets in the Gandanta (Pisces 27-Aries 3; Cancer 27-Leo 3 or Scorpio 27-Sag. 3) then those planets pose difficult karmic knots that are difficult to unravel. When planets transit through these points, they all present deep karmic and psychological knots to untangle.
Mars will be the first planet going through the Cancer gandanta which starts August 4th but is most intense August 7-8th. Not only is Mars at the deepest point of debilitation at 28 degrees Cancer where fatigue and why bother energy is very strong but it is in this tangled emotional and psychological knot. The Sun will go through this point August 14-16th.
The Cancer gandanta is August August 4-8th (Cancer 27-30) with the max. energy point (Cancer 29.20-29.59 on August 7-8th ) in the constellation of Hyrda (Ashlesha, Cancer 16.40-29.59) is a place where the toxins of the past are accumulating in a big knot that is difficult to untie. Deep unconscious patterns and difficult problems seem to arise that seem daunting and filled with regrets. Remember you have the power of free will in the present moment to move through into new light and do not have to live in the shadows and mistakes of the past. Let them go. They seem tangled and difficult to deal with but you are strong enough to get through them. If you are Aries or Scorpio rising or have major planets in this area in your natal chart, not a good week to beat yourself up as it does not help the situation. Mistakes happen and we just have to let go of them and start a new day living the present.
The exact knot of the Leo gandanta ( Leo 0.00-0.40) happens for Mars on August 8-9th is in the constellation of Regulus (Magha, Leo 0.00-13.20) is more material and the soul is troubled in its decision to move forward now into a more successful material life and begin a material journey through the more tamasic or material constellations that dominate into Dec. 15th which are more interested in money and security. The Sun going into this point on August 17th will be exalted in the navamsha and feel new power and confidence in leadership to move forward now but can be a bit selfish. The first section of Leo (0-3 degrees) impacts the Sun August 17-19 and Mars on August 10-14th and will have a lot of energy and drive to suddenly move forward and get things done and increase leadership but may be too strong for people to handle as it has great deal of power. Trump’s ascendant is very powerful at 2 degrees Leo here tends to blow people away and is out of balance.
So be easy on yourself if you are Aries or Scorpio rising as Mars completes its 2 year journey to the point of deep debilitation and into August 5th. Stay rested and next week when the mind gets filled with deep problems and regrets, remember you have the power and the courage to move through them. Use the Frog pose to increase energy and courage and stimulate the adrenals. Listen to Hanuman Chaliesa or do Hanuman mantras to increase connection to the archetype of courage and service to get through the difficulties of next week. Special thanks to Komilla Sutton for her studies and writings on the Gandanta.
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