Ketu is fully in Mula now in the constellation of Mula in the mean node system (Sagittarius 0-13.20) and in the true node system starting Feb. 11th. . It stays in the difficult 4th Pada until March 18th so hold on to your horses. Ketu is connected to past lives and Mula nakshatra amplifies the need to reflect on past lives and reflect on their impact on your current existence. It may create deep regrets for the past that leaves you unfulfilled now. Having Ketu in its own nakshatra is not favored as it will hamper psychological barriers to growth and create brain fog and Rahu is still in its own Nakshatra of Ardra until May 20th creating an intense time for those born with Rahu and Ketu in their own nodes or in opposing nodes as deep karmic patterns come up to heal. There can be episodes and events that will make you feel out of control of your own destiny. With Jupiter the dispositor of Ketu strong in transit until March 29th in Sagittarius, there is great wisdom and Divine guidance to get your through the transformation that is needed at this time.
If you were born with Ketu in Mula, the transit return will keep you mired in past life experience and not let you grow upward unless you draw on your past life spirituality and use it as a stepping stone to grow higher. That means time for new spiritual practices and retreats. Still, Ketu in Mula will not let you escape from the past. It requires that you take responsibility for past karma and do something to make it right. So like one of the 12 steps from AA, one has to make amends for those that we have hurt or injured and that has to be a theme for the coming 7 months. So stretch out your hand first, say that you are sorry and do something to correct your mistakes.
This transit can make us face and address those ugly parts of our personality and correct our flaws and purify them so that we can become a better person. It is never an easy process. . Draw on your wisdom and insights from the past and from past lives to make those transformations now. Let go of the past and stop beating yourself up for what you did wrong. If you make amends in the present, then all is handled.
The 4th pada of Sagittarius (10-13.20) is Ashtamamsha which means it has an 8 relationship between Sagittarius in the D1 and Cancer in the D9 chart. This can create a disconnection or block in the soul’s ability to achieve its purpose and can create inner conflicts than can pull an individual in two directions. Sometimes materialism and security are destroyed in order to create moksha and can cut you away from those you love. If you have key planets from 10-13.20, this may come up strongly over the coming month or during the upcoming key transit if it is there in your natal chart and you are running a Ketu or Rahu period. With an 8th house transposition , there is an inner tension created and a lack of cohesion between the natal chart and navamsha chart.
Mula consists of nine stars at the end of Scorpio and is the place of the center of the galaxy which Western Astrologers are fond of calling the Galactic Center as that wonderful part of the sky that looks like a white river in the night sky. Mula means “root” or “the center” and people who have a sun, moon or ascendent lord in this constellation are very direct and do not like to beat around the bush. This is the core of the galaxy and it is ruled by Ketu who wants to get to the core of everything: hidden motives, events, core roots.
Ketu is connected to past lives and Mula wants to tie up all the talents from one’s past lives and bring them together. The deity of Mula is Nritti, the Goddess of calamity and yet she resides in the lucky sign of Sagittarius which mythical means she may destroy ignorance to reveal deep truths. Ironically, Nritti is connected to the peak of material achievement and yet the nature of this nakshatra is very spiritual in her quest to go beyond the domain of ego and self-centeredness. Will be interested to see if our politicians change with this transit. This star can give power and influence and great material accomplishment and can confer magical powers but often it releases its energy in an explosive manner–which is so true of Ketu.
Mula combines the energy of Jupiter and Ketu and hence it initiates spiritual transformations for the better. With Jupiter’s grace it can confer magical powers to help those in need with Grace.
Note: Peoples charts and transits are very individual and we write general articles that maybe useful to all our readers. Transits are 20% of prediction and dependent on dashas so those in Jupiter/Ketu or Ketu/Jupiter or Ketu/Rahu or Rahu/Ketu periods will be most impacted by this transit. In reality, Vedic astrology is very much like reading very specific strands of DNA.
Special thanks to Komilla Sutton and Prash Tirvedi for their insights on this constellation.