It’s interesting watching our world at the moment. We do have to be socially distant now and prevent another Italy happening in the United States and even if we are in an age group that is not as susceptible, we do not want to pass the virus onto other groups that are. And the real danger is overloading our hospital system as people who have other acute needs could be shut out of the system because it is overloaded. Medical authorities are seeing this ahead of time.

We do sense that this will be over by late May or late June at the latest but it will be more difficult before it gets better. We have discussed in previous articles the astrology of it. What we have not understood is there a Divine message here? Saturn creates disease and suffering is the planetary epicenter and Pluto is causing the mass hysteria as subconscious fears come up. Capricorn rules the base chakra connected to survival and with Pluto in Sidereal Capricorn until June 29th at 0.00-1.00 degrees, it is stirring up mass survival fears and no wonder base chakra needs like toilet paper are being sought after.

Saturn is the planet of being in the moment. It wants us to slow down as it does with its 29.5-year orbit in the solar system. Still, the message of Saturn and sickness is to try to get us to slow down. Saturn is pacified by sleep, yoga, meditation and given the fast pace of our world, maybe this global rest is trying to tell us to stop speeding ahead at warp speed. Saturn wants us to be in the moment, to play with our children and animals and to smell the roses but when it is afflicted it makes the mind crazy making up things that may or may not happen. The planet is getting a huge wake-up call and slows down about 5G, global warming and things that matter most. Maybe at some point they will close the markets and even the internet will go down and we will be forced to talk to each other, play without pets, do jigsaw puzzles without children and appreciate the simple things in our garden.

Even death is the biggest illusion. We are given a contract when we enter the world and it is rather fixed and it is beyond our control. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and others have documented people dying on the operating table and then coming back to life and they recount wonderful images of the after-world. The soul is immortal and death is taking off an old coat and eventually putting on a new one. Nature creates its seasons with new leaves and then falling leaves and then rebirth. Without recycling, we get stuck. Nature is always baking a new fresh batch of cookies to eat. There is nothing to fear in death.

Sometimes when things get rough, we get undisciplined and skip our spiritual practices. This is like taking our coat off in the middle of a hard freeze in winter. It gets more challenging. Be more disciplined with diet, bad habits, yoga, exercise, and meditation when the planetary weather is rough. The value of spiritual practice during difficult times is that it should empower you with the good inner strength to move forward and blow away the smoke of planets and make good decisions. I find that 95% of my mental and emotional noise disappears with spiritual practice and I am able to move forward as a res

A friend of mine, Sam Geppi, had a useful spiritual reminder about difficult transits. “Challenging times are where spiritual muscles are stretched and worked out, and these opportunities are not to be avoided if one seeks advancement. Moksha isn’t a pretty process, it involves letting go and can be painful.” We need not fear karmic lessons. That is why we are here. One of Yogananda’s most advanced disciples, Gyanamata, wrote beautifully “I have come to measure spiritual advancement, not alone by the light that surrounds one when he meditates or by the visions he has of saints, but by what he is able to endure in the hard, cold light of day.

We can make difficult transits easier by helping others, donating to charity, doing special Vedic ceremonies and doing spiritual practice but some of it just requires getting through it and learning our life lessons so that we can become free. Go forth with courage.

So do your spiritual practices, act, face your challenges and know that God’s grace is supporting you to get through to a higher reality and to the light. Do not use astrology to by-pass your karmic destiny or avoid your challenges. It is not meant to be used in that way. You have nothing to fear and are intimately taken care of by the Divine always. Winter is coming to an end but we have had a bunch of late blizzards. Saturn and winter are connected. Slow down. Enjoy the majestic snows and the beautiful trees and there will be the new wonder of the present moment dawning in your life.

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MYSTERIES OF SATURN AND CAPRICORN: Mastering its Energies for Growth and Transformation PART 1

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