The real party poopers for September are the nodes which change signs on Sept. 23rd with Rahu moving from Gemini into Taurus and Ketu moving from Sagittarius into Scorpio.  They are considered sandhi or in early or late degrees Sept 3rd-Oct 13th. While the nodes have dignity in Taurus and Scorpio, it is also a matter of malefics with more dignity have more energy to create problems. We have written about Rahu in Taurus and will write soon about Ketu in Scorpio. The real problem is the transition zone.
Because the nodes govern the subconscious they seem to bring up eerie views of the subconscious mind. On Tuesday, when the Moon was in Rahu’s constellation of Satabhisha (Aquarius 6.40-20.) it seems that much of the day I was drifting from futuristic dreams from my sleep, replaying alternative scenarios of an altercation and being stuck in the past and fantasizing the future on a deep and subtle level of the mind.  It reminded me of my article on Alternative Universes which I am repeating below.
Rahu when afflicted by being sandhi (Sept 3-Oct. 13th) or on the edge can be more anxious or paranoid, feels constrained by forces beyond his control, victimized by overpowering forces, may have more nightmares or difficult dreams, or be a bit manic-depressive. If you have your Sun or Moon a 0-1 degree of the water signs, Gemini you probably will feel this more or if you are Aquarius rising which is co-ruled by Rahu or if you are in a Rahu period or a Dasha period where Rahu is the nakshatra lord. It could also lead to emptiness leading toward addictive patterns, frustration, sorrow, dejection, and psychological intensity and mental anguish.
Ketu on the edge 0-1 degree Sag. and 29-1 Scorpio (Sept. 3-Oct. 13) can have a strong desire to change directions in life, wants to give up material attachment, feels disillusioned, has difficult emotional knots to unravel, feels unsettled and his emotional distortions may tend toward self-isolation. may feel stuck in the past with regrets. If you are in a Ketu period, ruled by Scorpio, or have the Sun or the Moon or key planets at 0-1 Sagittarius or 29 degrees Scorpio, you may intensely feel this energy then.
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Firstly, I do not think that everything in our life is written in stone and can be predicted with 100% accuracy. I often think there are alternative universes available that our free will and intention can shift karma. It’s a bit like that movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow. She meets one boyfriend when she catches the train and meets someone else when the doors close and she misses the train. Other science fiction writers have played with this theme of multiple possibilities. When we are aware of the problem and choose not to repeat the same mistake, we can create an alternative universe. I often see in charts that the dasha period will set up a school to bring up the issues but with meditation, service, awareness and poise, we can make new choices and create an alternative universe. What choice do we make? Do we take the red or the blue as The Matrix reminds us.
While some karma is very hard and does have to hit us, as we meditate and do good deeds and become more conscious and aware, I think karma comes back more softer and that we are given schools to karma to work out and choices to make. Often, I think the astrology sets up a situation and how we act up on it this time is dependent on our judgment and free will.
In my 60’s now, and I have changed my focus on prediction and moved a bit more toward helping people understand the karmic schools that they are in and the karmic lessons that are needed. I think spiritual people who do spiritual practice are not always hit by hard karma at this point of their evolution but are given choices as to whether they are going to get it right this time in their work or relationship or taking care of their health. It is always a lot like my favorite movie Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray from 1993. Do we make the same mistakes again and suffer or do we see our blind spots and make new choices. Spiritual awareness, grace and meditation all make a difference.  We do have choice at difference junctures. I often see tendencies that are up but I am reluctant to to predict outcomes because we can make new choices and the light of the Jyotish Guru should help you and guide you.
Often clients want us to give a definitive yes or no that it will go this way and the best astrologers can be is 70%. More often than not, we can see the karma coming up but how you deal with it is up to you. Even if there is a health condition coming up, if it is connected to the 6th house, through discipline and diet and awareness we can change the outcome. Eighth house karmas can be more difficult and more acute but even 8th house issues are beckoning us to transform and transcend and if are on up of what we need to do for certain areas of our life, they do not have to hit us. I think there are early warning systems available but once in a while stuff hits us out of the blue. When we are aware of the problem and choose not to repeat the same mistake, we can create an alternative universe. I often see in charts that the dasha period will set up a school to bring up the issues but with meditation, service, awareness and poise, we can make new choices and create an alternative universe. Hence, awareness from a reading may allow us to see our blind spots.
For spiritual people, I think there are more choices on the karmic freeway. Sometimes we choose to get off at exit 6 and sometimes at exit 8 and in both cases we may miss exit 7.  I do sense that for spiritual developed people we are given more schools to grow in rather than hard and fast karma that hits in the face. If we do spiritual practice, give to charity and do service work we can shift our karma. If we are meant to get a bullet in the heart, maybe through spiritual practice it just grazes our shoulder or goes through our hat and misses us. Such is the power of spirituality. For the collective consciousness of the world, I also do not think it is set in stone.
People email me about the future of the US and the World and it is on all our minds. The future is not set in stone and at best any astrologer can be is 70%.  There are a lot of difficult choices we as a people need to make. Do we cower in fear and stay in our homes and forget the Bill of Rights and wait for Bill Gates and Dr. Facci to inject us with mandatory vaccines or are we pro-active, protect our elderly and higher risk people and support our immune systems with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, fresh air, sunshine, and other immune system supports?  Our world has important choices to make in the next 5 months to get it right or the repeat of Jupiter/Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn may seem worse than last March-June.
If you need help understanding your chart, order a natal chart reading at: