The Sun moves into Libra on Friday, October 16th in the evening and stays there until November 16th. The Sun is moving toward the lowest point of the year of the Sun toward October 27th at 10 degrees Libra. The Sun governs health, leadership and confidence, and self-esteem for everyone, so this transit can bring about health issues, depression, poor decisions in government, and low self-esteem. The worst part of the transit is usually when the Sun is in the constellation of Swati, which is between October 23 – November 6th.

The positive side of this transit is that it may create some people that offer good sense, support, and charm and may bring out the ability to work with others better. Libra and Aries rising may experience this a bit more. Scorpio rising may have the most trouble with it because it is a 12th house transit and can make them hidden from view and cause more serious emotional and self-confidence issues.

Gemini and Virgo rising may do ok with this transit. Bottom-line is that if the dark side comes up, find ways to do good self-talk and find the fire to move on and do great things if you feel stuck. Take care of your health this month, which means watch your diet and addictions and stay on top of your immune system.

The Sun is debilitated in Libra where it may tend to sacrifice its principles and leadership abilities to get along with people and do things together. Hence it loses its power and leadership which may thrive more in isolation. There may be a lack of confidence where the individuality gets lost in groups. If the Sun is not afflicted by other planets, this can lead to good team players who can do better in groups than doing it alone. The Sun’s placement here would prefer to do things together rather than be independent and be subject to the challenges of working in groups and dealing with dissenting opinions and hence it loses its power to lead. If the Sun is afflicted, it may get unbalanced and may be too tyrannical and demanding and lack compassion which is the hallmark of a good leader. While being more diplomatic, people born with Sun in Libra (Oct. 17-Nov. 16) often fail to inspire or draw upon their power.

The Sun represents our inner Divinity and in Libra, it may get drawn more into a relationship and sexual intrigue rather than following its essential nature to be in meditation and seeking Oneness with the Creator. Hence it can move out of Dharma and forget its purpose. The Sun is debilitated in the constellation of Swati (Libra 6.40-20.00) which is a very material constellation ruled by Rahu and here the Sun forgets its spiritual mission and gets caught up in the material world.

If the Sun has no other major afflictions from Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, then the positive side of the Sun in Libra may create humble souls who are capable of working for the good of mankind in humanitarian groups and not get caught up in power and ego trips. I have seen this very positive quality in working with people at ashrams where there are a large number of people celebrating birthdays between Oct. 17-Nov.16th.

If you are Leo rising and have Sun in Libra (born Oct. 17-Nov. 16th) you may tend to develop more health issues particularly if you deplete your energies with excessive sexual indulgences and conquests. You may lack courage and leadership to inspire others because you lack the inner confidence to support others and this may lead to becoming a tyrannical boss to over-compensate for your own lack of self-esteem.

The transit of the Sun into Vishaka Nakshatra November 6 – 19th connects it to Jupiter and it uplifts it so the worst part is the transit in the constellation Swati when it is connected with Rahu October 23 – November 6th. Our Leo president, Donald Trump will probably not do well with this transit as it can bring out the darkest part of ego when the lesson is learning to work together. Biden will not do well as a Scorpio rising also as it is a 12th house transit for him and may bring unexpected losses and expenditures and lack of confidence in his presentations.

For some people, the problem of a debilitated Sun is that the ego is too stuck and encrusted in its position. But for more people, it can create low self-esteem and depression, and then the ego is not good enough. It is all illusion. You are Divine within. Fight off the negative self-talk. Do more meditation and see beyond the puppet strings and realize your own greatness! Sun salutations, the tree pose, and the peacock pose can support the fallen Sun this month. This is a third house afflicted transit for Leo rising and can create conflicts with younger siblings, neighbors, or difficulties with communications. Leos should avoid angry communications or face some degree of regret.

As always, I stand on the shoulders of great teachers. Special thanks to Sam Geppi and his book, The Ascendant, for some of the insights from this article and to Bill Levacy for his deep psychological insights, and to Sanjay Rath and Komilla Sutton for their deep understanding.

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