Rahu and Ketu in Aries and Libra until Sept 2023

Jupiter in Pisces  April 12, 2022-April 21, 2023

Saturn in Aquarius  April 28-July 12th 2022;   Jan 17, 2023-March 29, 2025

This is an usual month as all the slow moving planets are changing signs this month.  Jupiter went into Pisces for a year on April 12th and we have written about it.  Rahu and Ketu are now in Aries and Libra whether you like the true node or mean node until Sept 2023  and Saturn will move into Aquarius on April 28-July 12th as it peeks into early degrees of Aquarius before retrograding back into Capricorn one last time until January 2023.

When the slower moving planets change signs they stir up all kinds of new desires and often some desires to change.  Should I move? Should I change jobs?  Should I leave my relationship?  Do I get married?  Do I buy a house?   Why do I suddenly have this new health issues?

So if you are having these kinds of thoughts, welcome to the club. As we discussed with Rahu and Ketu, their new energies in a new sign suddenly create new desires or cravings as in the case of Rahu or wanting to eliminate something as in the case of Ketu.   With Jupiter transits, there are new desires for expansion in the houses that it aspects so now with Jupiter in Pisces and trining Cancer and Scorpio, there are new expansive desires connected to the new houses that are activated.  Saturn transits are always the most complicated and troubling.

Saturn is particularly strong at creating winds of change and we will write a guide for Saturn changing signs shortly.   Saturn is always creating problems anyway.   You are going to have to get used to it or drive yourself crazy with wanting to change jobs, relationships, homes, routines.  Change is good but will it really resolve the restless feelings inside?   Handle the restlessness with yoga and meditation and diet and then evaluate more severe changes in the light of common sense when the planets are strongly and when the mind is clear. So with Saturn you have to find a way to shake hands with restlessness and anxiety.

When Saturn is unhappy, it tends to be more fearful and creates this sense of dread. When it is solid, it is solid  the mountain, unshakable.  You can ground Saturn by being more in your body with walking, the chair pose in yoga, deep knee bends, extra yoga and slow exercise and Tai Chi.  Avoid cold drinks and dry foods and  favor sipping hot water and herbal teas  and slowing down and eating hot unctuous meals.   Exercise is grounding but slower is better and running can be intense for many unless you have a really kalpha body or are Taurus rising and need heavy exercise to get unstuck.

An unhappy Saturn can lead to a lot of grumbling so remember to do your gratitude exercises everyday to replace all the thing that are not right with those that are.  (Chair pose below grounds the base chakra to the earth to create more stability.)


If you need help understanding your chart, view our services at or take our new classs starting Sept. 12-13th on  Financial Astrology and Medical Astrology and Foundations Part 3.  


Note: Peoples charts and transits are very individual and we write general articles that maybe useful to all our readers. In reality, Vedic astrology is very much like  reading very specific strands of DNA.

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