Mars transits into Bharani (pronounced BAR-AN-NEE)  July 16th   which is located at 13.20 Aries to 26.40 Aries and is ruled by the planet Venus. To astronomers, it consists of 3 stars know as 35, 39 and 41-Arietes and its symbol is the female vagina which means that it embodies the eternal creative feminine energy of the womb. It relates to the capacity to receive, hold and nurture and even has some Kali energy associated with destruction as the archetypal quality of the mother that will protect her young at all costs.
Emotionally the constellation embodies caution, jealousy, struggle, sacrifice, sexuality, catharsis nurturing and maternal love. It is also connected to the god Yama, of death and transformation and operates in hidden unpredictable ways and enjoys its secrecy. Yama is not a serious deity as we might normally think of and has a lighthearted playful expressive quality also and it is a benevolent deity and should not be feared. Hence the constellation of Bharani deals with the extremes of creating of life as well as dissolution.

Mars is channeling Venus’s energy which is in Gemini into August 6th increasing sexual tensions and relationship passion.    Usually if you do not find a creative art project to do you may want to spend time with your boyfriend or girlfriend to work out the energies.

Bharani swings between a lust for life and a fear of death between the naivete and wisdom. It has a young child’s excitement to explore its surroundings without restraint. If your rising sign or moon is born under this constellation or your Sun (April 27-May 10th), you are capable of going through huge transformations and radical changes and need to exhaust all possibilities in your quest. Creativity is key word for this constellation and I often see painters and artists born under this constellation which is not something one thinks about in Aries. If you were born under this constellation you can keep the peaceful countenance of Venus but may have raging storms going through you. You need to learn how to be responsible for ones action and avoid cruelty.

This nakshatra is ruled by Venus, and Mars will be channeling Venus’s strong energy but because Mars is moving closer to Rahu and Uranus into August 1-6th,, bringing out the darker side of this energy at times b  This can lead to a sense of feeling burdened, running around too much, having too much vigor, and acting too clever. The combination of Mars/Venus energy can lead to passionate outbursts, but if not satisfied, will turn into deep quarreling and agitation with unreliable partners. This will make relationships testy the next four weeks, so, as we said earlier in the week, get out of the house and give your partner a rest or anger flares up. Make sure that their sexual needs are satisfied. If frustrated, find alternative sensual and artistic expressions with dancing at a wild party or getting a massage if you do not feel nurtured enough.

Mars’ transit through the first pada of Bharani (Aries 13.20-16.40), from July 16-21st , can lead to great creativity and self-immersion and also can lead to extreme self-centeredness and strong will power. There will be extra energy and drive to accomplish great things for Aries and Scorpio rising natives, but watch out so you do not bowl over others.

Special thanks to Prash Trivedi and Komilla Sutton for their insights into this constellation.

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