We are getting closer to the Saturn station on Nov. 4th at 1:34 am EDT this weekend as we change the clocks officially at 2:00 am.   Saturn has been slowing down to a crawl like a steamship getting ready to turn around in the vast ocean as it gets ready to go direct.  It will stay at 6-7 degree and luckily this pada (6.40-10.00) is ruled by Sagittarius which soften Saturn’s energy. It will first be in Dhanishta Pada 4 (Ruled by Scorpio) until Nov. 24th and this is a Moksha Pada and I have felt the intensity strongly with many deaths happening around me. It will stay direct in Aquarius until June 29th and reach 25 degrees Aquarius.

The good news is that direct malefics like Saturn are less problematic than retrograde ones but it is still Saturn. If you have any key planets at 6-7 Aquarius/Taurus/Leo or Scorpio you will feel its impact for a while. By mid-December, we would feel some relief.

Anxiety is rising in the world more so than in most years and the media continues to whip us into a frenzy about nuclear war and anything they can do to make us anxious.

If you are ruled by Saturn such as Capricorn or Aquarius rising or have Saturn Atmakaraka (planet with the highest degrees) or have your ascendant or moon in Satabhishaka   Nakshatra (Aquarius 6.40-20.00), you may be feeling the energy most.  For some of you ruled by Saturn, you may feel more grounded solid, and powerful with the Saturn station. Still, for most of us, Saturn in Capricorn is the grim reaper and has created way too much carnage this year and it will not stop, unfortunately.

Saturn is into cleanliness, orderliness, and punctuality and that is how we can honor Saturn by being on time and keeping things neat.  I am finding myself cleaning closets, wanting to tear apart my office and refile everything, and feeling very unsettled with a deep sense of unconscious fear that is churning. Use this energy to make the changes you need to make to clean those old piles up to throw out the old and prepare for a new life by hearing the call of Saturn.   If you are Capricorn Rising or Aquarius Rising, this energy may be very empowering for you. Also if you are running a Saturn period on the 1st or 2nd levels.  Slow down and stay calm.

Saturn governs work for everyone and it slows down and goes direct and may finally create some resolution in situations at work and finally take action to make big changes there.   But if you are not clear about what is happening, then it causes frustration and irritation from the delays.

Fear may come up intensely if Saturn is influencing your natal Moon or Sun or rising sign lord.  Go deep into the fear and recognize the illusion of it. You are safe and secure and no one or nothing can harm you. 99% of that which we fear never happens.  Remember, you are safe and protected.

Stay on top of this wild energy for the next 3 weeks by doing our yoga and meditation and drinking calming herbal teas.  Stay calm and centered.   Become Capricorn the mountain, solid, unshakable, and soar high like the eagle into great freedom.  The world around you may seem to be moving too quickly, giving you a sense of wild emotional churning that will explode but trust that God has a plan.

Saturn being powerful will increase criticism and being picky so avoid being a perfectionist or you will drive yourself and others crazy.   Realize the imperfection of the changing world and accept the world and its flaws.

Saturn loves to exercise, meditate, yoga discipline, and hard work so if you are not rising to the occasion in any of these areas, stress, fatigue, and anxiety can increase.  Remember that Saturn is like good high-school coaching pushing you to your best and ultimately he will do great things if you rise to the occasion.

If we fail to answer Saturn’s call, we may feel victimized or suffer but if we rise with hard work and face our challenges, Saturn will help us ride the waves into a richer and more powerful life.  Answering the call and Saturn in Aquarius can lead to major societal transformation.

All gratitude to my Jyotish Gurus and my spiritual gurus for their continued light and guidance.

Enjoy our book on Saturn:


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