Mars moves into its own sign of Aries on June 1st  and this is generally always good for planets to be in their own signs but still strong malefics for certain rising signs can cause more harm and Libra and Virgo rising may notice it a bit more.   Everyone was pushing for how great Saturn in Aquarius in its own sign was going to be,   but it has become stronger to create more suffering  except for Aquarius rising. The transition from Pisces into Aries, May 31-June 2 can be difficult as Mars goes through the Pisces gandanta (Pisces 29.20-Aries 0.40) where deep-knotted spiritual entanglements around moving from the pure spiritual world of Pisces into the active and rajasic energy of Aries can be a problem for Aries rising with the 12th house transit.  Still the energy can be weird at times so stay on top of meditation and yoga and exercise.

This area of the Pisces  gandanta (Pisces 27-30)  (meaning emotional knotted area) is a place where the the soul has difficult understanding its inner reality and seeing the truth. The area of 29.20-29.59 is particularly difficult.  Mars transiting this area can create difficulties with Gurus or priests or such  authority figures particularly if you have this  in your natal chart. Gandanta means knot and there is often difficulty trying to understand and unravel the karmic knot in relationship to planets here.

The Pisces gandanta in the constellation of Revati is a place of culmination of spiritual knowledge and maturity and the culmination of the spiritual journey. As Mars moves into Aries, it is reborn with a lot of rajasic energy and power to move forth and to achieve so this is a final contemplative week on the spiritual journey of the soul. There is some insecurity as the soul as about to be reborn as it moves into Aries  on June 1st.

Aries and Scorpio rising will benefit most from the  transit of Mars into Aries  as it  will Cancer and Leo Rising.   Mars will create more  power, pushing through obstacles, getting things done quickly, will bring success and joy in sports, create love of independence, and generosity for pure-hearted action, and innovation. There can be a tendency toward sudden and impulsive change to your views or to act quickly  so make sure you have good judgment as Jupiter is very weak in Capricorn and making the right decisions is harder for some now if Jupiter is weak in your natal chart.   I love this picture of the man kissing the lion as   as it embodies the spiritual quality of Mars in the constellation of Ashwini, but also the power and ferocity of the lion to get into battle and conquer. If you are Aries/Cancer/Libra or Capricorn, Mars will form a Ruchaka Yoga creating great power and success in activity.

There are two afflictions to Mars this year that spoil the party at times.  Rahu casts a 30 degree aspect from Pisces to Aries and continues some of the impulsive and crazy energy of the last month.  We also get a Saturn sextile of 60 degrees to Mars which is exact on July 5th but will be strongly felt July 1-10th.

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and it has self-starting energy, so it will be a good time to start new projects. The only dark spot is Mars conjunct Uranus  into July 15th in early Taurus  which good be explosive and in Mundane astrology this connect can lead to seeing  earthquakes and unexpected explosions and accident and acts of violence or war.  People in Mars Periods with key planets close to 1 degree Taurus  may be most vulnerable to accidents if your dasha indicates that   and if Mars is a particularly difficult planet for you like it is for Virgos and Gemini and Taurus and Libra.  Be alert.


Mars will be in the constellation of Ashwini (Aries 0-13.20) from June 1-June 19th   which is known in modern astronomy as Alpha-Arietes and Beta-Arietes, known as Two Stars, the Two Horses, near the bright star of Andromeda. The symbol for Ashwini is a horse’s head representing a dauntless spirit of adventure and a head-strong nature. This transit usually fosters self-starters and energy to complete projects. It is also a very healing constellation and so there will be more energy for aimed towards health. The ruling deities are the Ashwini twins who ride in a golden chariot and shower healing energy down to the earth plane. They are the “Physicians of the Gods.” This is a nakshatra of initiation, revitalization and transformational healing. The ruling planet is Ketu (South Node of the Moon), which gives a mystical and mysterious bent to their life journey.

The ruling constellation of Ashwini is Ketu, spurring you into new spiritual growth and development and Ketu is not happy in Virgo now and could upset Virgo related issues like health care, accounting and business. Mars in June may foster an  interest in new projects but the inability or weakness to finish them so make sure you only take on what you can handle. It can also bring on stubbornness or racing around wildly with too much “wild horse” energy so make sure to slow down and stay balanced.  Mars going into Aries suddenly gets very ambitious to pick up and just head out of the gate like a racehorse with a bang so make sure to temper this energy.

Aries and Scorpio risings benefit the most from this transit and it is supportive for health. But Scorpios still may experience the 6th house transit of the ascendant lord and get bogged down with debts, battles and minor illness. The energy is there to move through them. Cancer Rising will  get a lot of energy for career development and Capricorns also benefit from the Yoga in transit for projects around the home and career. Geminis benefit from income and the ability to fulfill their desires and from groups and friends. Virgos may have the most difficulty with this transit but because Mars is in its own sign and it is an 8th house transit but Mars will still have the energy to triumph over any legal or karmic patterns that come up.

The Rahu /Mars aspect and Saturn/Mars can upset Mars and create imbalance and can create  aggressive energies.  On the level of mundane astrology, this unrest could s  manifest more in other countries because of food shortages and high gas prices where lower standards of living cannot handle this larger force.    There are larger forces around the globe at work something deeper can happen in terms of more violent rebellion forces that erupt to do socio-economic breakdowns, world debt and inflation, and food scarcity. Depending on the country this could lead to rebellion against corporate and governmental corruption and incompetence.  You can see all of these lurkings in the background and they may explode into a crisis in early July. The Mars/Uranus conjunct on July 15th may trigger some of this.


Special thanks to Prash Trivedi and Komilla Sutton for their insights on the Nakshatras that we discussed above.  Special thanks to Ron Schmidt  for our cover photo. Visit his website for more loveable dog photos:


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