By Barry Rosen

At publication we have Uranus about to go into Taurus which last happened May 31, 1940 until March 1, 1948.  Of course that the start of a major offence by Hitler against France and Belgium and their conquest.  You cannot help but be concerned when you see many European countries starting to pass mandatory conscription for 18 year olds in order to get ready for World War 3.   The trillions of dollar of debt and government ineptitude and staying in power can only be solved by starting a war.  President Macron of France has only a 30% approval record and so what else can he do with European elections looming. Meanwhile, Biden just authorized Ukraine to fire US weapons deep into Russia in yet another effort to try to provoke Putin to increase tensions with the  USA so that his party can cancel elections and stay in power indefinitely like Zelensky has done in Ukraine. What could go wrong?  Putin may be too smart to fall in to such traps but by 2025-2026, the crazy politicians are likely to create something major.

Probably the thing that saves the US this year is that is an election year. Suddenly Biden is proposing stopping the immigration crisis through his executive power. Student Loan relief continues costing taxpayers billions of dollars that we do not have and draining the East Coast gasoline reserves to lower summer gas prices is happening.  The old proverb of you can only put so much lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig applies. Do any of these election year manipulations fool anyone? I suspect a few people may be fooled but try to buy a carton of  eggs or eat out or pay for your grocery bill at the supermarket or make your budget work and you understand what is happening in our country.

On the bright side, the WHO’s epidemic treaties are struggling as countries are not willing to give up their sovereignty to an organization that failed miserably last time. In the mean time, a case of bird flu are turning up in cows and be transmitted to humans as if they are trying for a repeat performance of the Covid nightmare.  Moderna stock climbs as it pushes ahead on bird flu vaccine production.  What could go wrong?

We have talked about the US Pluto return for while and we are starting to see it’s rumblings.  Luckily we have Jupiter protecting it with an exact Jupiter trine to Pluto on June 2nd but one cannot help feeling that the Trump conviction was a  “Crossing the Rubicon”  moment for the US.  Whether you like him or not, the US continues to devolve into a Banana Republic where punishing political opponents to stay in power is more important than upholding the rule of law.  If you followed the case, you can tell that it will probably be  overturned on appeal but for political purposes, it’s  just important to label him as a felon for political purposes. Of course we need to honor or system and the ruling of the jurors and go the normal route and follow our legal system.

Still the loss of law and order is clear in many around the US.  In California, New York and Chicago, shoplifters and those doing assaults are often not prosecuted.  Squatters sometimes have more rights than owners to a space and common sense the law are being ignored in many cities  This is how civilizations crumble.

Jupiter comes out of combustion on June 4th and that may help a little but I usually find that that Jupiter in signs ruled by Venus supports liberal values, but the problem is that Jupiter’s judgment gets out of balance and naïve perspectives forget about practical solutions.

Jupiter in Taurus may prevent the banking dam from breaking but more problems will come up with Jupiter in Gemini and by 2026, the US will default on its mounting debt. Again, I think Jupiter aspecting Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn can prevent major problems this year.

Saturn goes into the US 4th house in Pisces on March 29, 2025 for 2.5 years and that should unleash the 2nd housing crisis since 2008-9.  That has been bubbling up with rising home sales, high interest rates and mortgage companies offering no money down deals and real estate agents making any deal they can to get a sale.  We have the Saturn/Rahu conjunction into April 2025 and you can see the potential anxiety that will build there around housing and mortgages.

When we  have a banking crisis, this is not like 1932 and the Depression because we can create phony electronic money out of thin air but who will continue to finance US debt and our wars? Can the US bond market survive? We cannot help but think that the 35 trillion dollars in US debt will start causing problems.

We have a first peak for gold in July 2024 but gold and silver prices seem strong in 2025 and will take over dominance in our financial system. Trillions of dollars of debt creation around the world can only be managed by an economic reset and the CBDC Central Banker advocates know how to take control of you amid a crisis. Will they dare try to do it before the election? We hear through the grapevine that they want to roll it out in early 2025 but Europe is way ahead of the game with their plans in this direction.


The stock market sell signal that came in April is now totally clear as all the major indices, including NASDAQ have issued sell signals and June is seasonally one of the more difficult months for stock.  Still we may get a secondary high before the FOMC meeting on June 12th.

 Patterns on the stock market have put in a major top and the adage is sell in May and go away as the market is seasonally lower from May to October. When we look at long-term stock market patterns, it looks like it has completed a very large pattern off the 1932 low and also pattern completions off of the 2009 low and the 2020 lows.That would usher in a multiple-year bear market which would first take the stock market to 3800-3500 on the S&P Cash 500 this year and eventually to 2200 and 1000 on the S&P with a potential cycle low into 2028-2030 when Saturn is in Aries. Unfortunately, higher taxes and Marxist agendas do not support entrepreneurial energies and innovation.

We have a low for tech stocks in August and they could give back all of the gains from the last year and a half. Not thinking that NQ 100 futures will take out 19200 this year and that any purchase from chasing recently on the NVDA hype will be under water. We see a stock market low into August.

TESLA put in a top late in 2023 and is floundering and with NQ ready to roll over it does not have much hope.   It may do one last pop into June 10-12 before the FOMC meeting.  Still, when the rest of the market falls, it will go to 129.00 and 100.00. In our minds, it is toast as the reality of EVs shoved down our throats has shown up in winter stalls, limited battery charges, and shorter driving ranges and hours of recharges. If you are lucky to have one and charge in your garage, I’m not sure your electric bill is happy. The reality of EVs being shoved down our throats and the congame involved is clearer. China is the big winner with all of this as was the case with the solar panel movement as over 60% of solar energy technology comes from China.



Gold took off and still has another pop left—and probably a big one—from June 5 at the Sun/Venus conjunction into late June or early July.  Silver may have the biggest upside potential and probably will not take out 2960 and gold should stay above 2300 on the August contract.  Gold could easily hit 2550 quickly into July and 2800 into next year. Silver will quickly go to 3300 but could explode to 4500 later in the year.

You can play gold with ETFs like SLV, GLD and GDX (Gold Miners) and we cover them in our newsletter and watch entries on June 5th.

We have a gold cycle higher into 2024 and 2025 for now. Gold could accelerate in a crisis to 2800 into the year 2025 and projects higher prices eventually. Stay on top of our daily forecasts with Fortucast.com newsletters.


Bitcoin is very connected to Mercury and Ketu, Long-term it is good and the Dashas are good. Jupiter trining Ketu exactly into July 10-11th should supportive and probably the Jupiter/Mercury conjunction into June 4th could create a lot of volatility and a key low.  The last Jupiter/Mercury planetary war on March 10-11th 2023 created a key low for the market for a few months.  The next push up on Bitcoin will go to 76000 but a crisis could take it up to 92000 later this year.

Fund managers are projecting 200,000k Bitcoin on the news into next year but we have seen these wild assertions before. Still, our larger cycles are friendly into 2026.

Bitcoin is in a Jupiter/Rahu period from August 2023 into 2026 using the correct dasha of (Adhana Vimshottari Dasha) and it is likely to weather the storm for a bit.


Remember to work with your broker. Trading and investing have to be done both technically and astrology can help but should not be the only factor in making a decision. You have to buy low and sell high.



As always, this is my snapshot thought for May 31, 2024. New information comes in daily. If you are a trader or investor, consider my Fortucast newsletters which are published daily at www.fortucast.com. A trial subscription is 97.00/month. If you want to learn financial astrology visit my website at www.appliedvedicastrology.com and click on the Financial Astrology link.

ABOUT BARRY ROSEN: Barry Rosen has been teaching classes in Investment Astrology since 1990 and began teaching the other aspects of Vedic astrology specialized courses online in 2017, including Dashas, Transits, Personal Finance, Health, Longevity, and Death, Nakshatras, The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Secrets of the Houses, Relationships and many more. In his consultations, he focuses more on the emotional and mental patterns in the chart and their impact on consciousness which can create waves of illusion blocking you. A good consultation should help you witness the play of karma so that you are not gripped by it; you can transcend it and realize your Divinity, becoming the commander of the planets and not the victim. Barry Rosen also operates a blog on Facebook under Barry Rosen and Astro-Yoga and his professional astrological website is www.appliedvedicastrology.com. He can be reached at support@appliedvedicastrology.com.




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