MARS IN GEMINI: AUGUST 26-OCT 20 — Sharp Minds  

Mars moves into Gemini on August 26th   and will and will stay there for about two months until Oct. 20th.    Mars in Gemini is in an enemy’s sign when verbal fighting can break out so push that need to debate and go right to a Toastmaster’s meeting.  It impacts Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn the most with its aspects.   The transit is not afflicted so it will support problem solving and literary interests and mechanical and scientific energies and research and also military strategy—which we need less of.  On August 26-27th, Mars will transit over the natal Mars of the US chart opening up fighting with enemies.

Mars will be in the 3rd pada (LIbra) of Mrigashira or Orion (Gemini 0-3.20) during its first entry into Gemini and this combination will bring up passion or arguments in relationships so remember to let go of ego and being right to make it work.

The constellation of Orion is always a coexistence of opposites as the deer symbol brings out the timid, light, and fragile wandering qualities of this constellation which seem opposed to the warrior nature of Mars. But in this sense, the greatest spiritual warrior heroes of the Ramayana and Gita, Hanuman and Arjuna, embody the constellation’s deep quest for liberation and getting to the truth of the matter. If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is in this constellation, it gives you a deep yearning for something greater in your life.  The deity of the constellation is Soma, connected to the Moon and the life and vital subtle forces that are created to manifest the physiological components of enlightenment.

For now, enjoy the quest for Truth and something higher in this very pure constellation and my favorite of all, Orion, the spiritual warrior.

Mars transits into the constellation of Ardra which is located at Gemini 6.20-20.00 on Sept 6-29th and Western astronomers connect it with the constellation of Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion, and Sirius, the Dogstar.

Ardra is one of the more difficult constellations in the zodiac that creates clarity and emotional cleansing that occurs after the storms of the soul recede.  Mars here can be rather destructive but then can reach into the turmoil with courage and wisdom to weather the storms of change if it does not get caught up in ambition, manipulation, and fear.  If it fails self-destruction can reign and create turmoil.

Mars in Rahu’s constellation channels the energy of Rahu in Aries in Ashwini Nakshatra bringing in more Mars and Ketu energy which can lead to more accidents and rage and rioting if you are not focused and not finding a way to channel the energy.    The key to this transit, if you are ruled by Scorpio or Aries, is to tone down being feverish and acting too rashly.  .  Cool things down with cold showers trips to the pool, coconut water, milk, and rose petal jam which all calm the fire element.   Cut down on intense exercise and competition that might increase the fire energy and lead to confrontation and fighting.  Go for a swim in the pool instead and with summer here, that is a natural thing to do.

The primary symbols for Ardra are a human head, representing thinking, and a teardrop, which represents overcoming suffering.  It is an excellent rising nakshatra because it reflects the brilliant mental abilities of Einstein. Rudra, the lord of the storms, will probably kick off tornado season with a bang also so listen to the radio more if you live in tornado or hurricane areas.

Ardra creates emotional storms of short duration if we get stuck in the past and its purpose is to shake us out of our rigidity and to change our life to create a better future. It has the Uranus quality.  The storms wash away the dirt and leave us clearer and brighter and shiner and so they have a positive purpose. It ultimately seeks to dismantle whatever level of Maya or illusion we are stuck in.  Ardra can scatter mental energies and create confusion the key will be to find the courage to tackle the challenges and come out to the other end of the car wash–squeaky clean.

If you are running a Rahu/Mars or Mars/Rahu period, this transit may impact you most and Scorpio rising with the 8th house transit through Gemini has to find the tools of transformation to get through the storms.  The transit is easier for Aries rising but it still has to dig deep and find its courage to move forward.

Mars moves into Purnavasu (Gemini 20-Cancer 3.20) on Sept. 29th  stays there until Oct. 28th.   This will ease some tensions since it brings some Jupiter energy in and Jupiter also is strong Oct 2-16th as it goes strationary/retrograde on Oct. 9th.

Always, transits are very specific to charts and larger cycles that are going on so if you are in a storm, it might be time for reading so consult us at

All thanks to all my Gurus, Jyotish Gurus, and guides that support me on the path to Self-realization.

Have a great day and month and remember that storms make us stronger if we go within and meditate and help us discover we are the depth of the unbounded ocean and no waves or storms can touch us.

Need help with these difficult transits and tensions and problems in your life?   Get a consultation from Barry Rosen. 

Barry’s consultations are there to help you make difficult decisions, see your life plan and purpose, help you decide if moving to another location will improve your life,  get help with relationships, get insight into difficult-to-diagnose health concerns that the doctors cannot figure out,  offer help around investment astrology and finance and career and much more.  Practical Western and Vedic remedies are suggested to provide solutions and help you move through difficult areas of your life.



Special thanks to our cover photo of Orion to Akira Fujj of


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