Sun moved into Pisces on March 14th.   Pisces is the natural 12th sign of the zodiac connected to Moksha and enlightenment and its shakti is that it brings the blessings of Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom that brings Knowledge of the Self.   Planets placed here anywhere in any of the charts show great talents and knowledge. But being the natural 12th house, it requires dedication to service and sacrifice to bring out its power. it is also connected to losses as we often have to let go of the material world to be drawn to the spiritual realm of existence.   Pisces rising has difficulties with the Sun, the natural 6th house from Pisces so father issues and issues with authority and bosses become a natural problem.

The Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces promoting spiritual knowledge and wisdom and while  Jupiter will become too optimistic from the combustion on March 27-April 26th, the Sun will enjoy the comforting, enthusiastic and supportive, and good advisory energy that Jupiter will bring. 

Sun is conjunct with Mercury exactly on Friday, March 18th creating a very busy and buzzy mind for the rest of the week.  

The Sun is happy in Pisces but it is 8 houses from its home in Leo and people born with that rising sign are still going through deep spiritual transformations.   The   Sun moves into the constellation of  Uttara Bhadapada (Pisces 3.20-16.40) on March 18th into March 31st where it channels Saturn’s energy Saturn is pretty intense in Aquarius    Still that constellation promotes spiritual development and so a good time for a meditation retreat.

The Sun moves into Revati nakshatra   (PISCES 16.40-29.59) March 31-April 14th The famous Pisces fish represent the fish swimming its path in the sea is connected to life-path and the path to liberation but it is more as it is connecting to the universal mind and reminds us of the true meaning of Jai Guru Dev, Victory to the Big Mind.  Only by letting go of our small ego and surrendering to the Divine will, do we stand a chance of transcending the changing world.

The deity of the constellation is Pushan, connected to the Sun, which lights the paths to the Divine and is connected to travel whether mental journeys or spiritual pilgrimages.  Both are the same.  As Saul Bellow’s character in Henderson the Rain King proclaims, “all travel is mental travel.”  Hence our outer quests are part of our inner quest to return to the Divine.

Revati is ruled by the planet Mercury and contains all the Divine wisdom that exists in the Universe as it allows one to understand the possibilities of the entire creation.  Hence as we get the spring transits through Revati, we should get a deep awakening of spiritual knowledge and a great time for spiritual journeys with a peak of this energy probably felt the next three Sundays on March 26th,  April 2nd, and 9th with Jupiter very close to the Sun  

This is the final part of the Sun’s journey as it prepares to move into its sign of exaltation in Aries, April 13th-May 14, and shine in its Divine glory.  Hopefully, that will finally bring out some good leadership which all of our world leaders need.

Special thanks to Prash Trivedi for his insights into the wonderful constellation and to all my Gurus that continue to light the path.  Blessing to you all going into the weekend.

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