Mars transits into Virgo on August 18th  and stays there for about six weeks.  It is mostly an unafflicted transit until Sept 24th when it gets too close to the Sun between Sept 24-Jan. 16th .  It is a wide area of combustion in Virgo and will be mostly unimpacted and will be more problematic between Oct. 28-Dec. 6th when it is closely combust within 6 degrees.

Mars does well in houses 3rd, 6th, and 11th from the natal Moon, Sun or ascendant so those with  Aries, Cancer, or Scorpio Ascendant, Sun, or Moon will benefit most provided their Ashtakavarga points are high and there are no conflicting malefic in Virgo to offset the positive transit.  Virgo and Gemini rising may have the most difficult with it as Mars and Mercury get along the least and it is a 1st and 4th house transit for the two signs which increases health issues or Pitta /fire imbalances for Virgo rising and domestic arguments and home and car repair problems for Gemini.

The combustion lasts until Jan. 16th   and thereafter it will be able to be seen in the night sky again.  Mars combustion is not a huge problem because they are friends and because they are both fire planets and Mars can handle it better than most planets.  Still, it can create flare-ups of anger and too much fire energy in the solar plexus which will need to be discharged through exercise and sports or it will lead to angry conflicts.

As we move into the combustion into late October, if you are tired, take extra rest.  If your adrenals need support, go for the frog pose rather than some coffee which will more quickly burn out the adrenals.  Even if you cannot get your knee on your forearms, just moving into the pose and leaning into it will stimulate the adrenals.

If you have an afflicted Mars in Virgo in your natal chart,  you will have to watch transit for the next six weeks.  It may create an overactive mind but on the positive side, it will make you a good strategic planner.  Just having Mars in Virgo, a sign owned by Mercury can can lead to lots of verbal debating and wanting to continue to combat and fight and not knowing when to stop.  Be patient with people and accept them as they are.   There can be a tendency for perfectionism which is always the trap of Virgo.   If you have an afflicted Mars in Virgo in your natal chart, you may be inclined to broken relationships and tend to exaggerate and be prone to digestive problems, accidents, wounds, and cuts.  In transit, observe and see if these qualities come up.  Virgo is an enemies sign because Mars is an active planet and does well by just “doing” and gets slowed down by thinking and being too strategic.  Watch out for an over-active mind, aggressive thinking, not being able to stop when attacking others verbally, impatience, and combative relationships.

Whenever a planet appears in Virgo in any sign of the zodiac it means where we need to be better, improve or be pure.   Being the natural 6th house of the zodiac, it means that we need discipline around regular work, health, and diet to prevent illness and we also need to develop skills to work with people so that we do not develop enmity with co-workers at work.  There can be too much self-deprecation and continual beating oneself up on the dark side or a continual focus on always wanting to do it better which can also become a  good quality.   Key words to remember are purity and improvement.

Virgo is the natural 6th sign of the zodiac so it is a health and service sign and Mars can overcome the challenges of this transit through a disciple, being of service and being a good co-worker, and staying out of fights.  Still in the 6th sign of the zodiac and for Aries Rising, when afflicted, it can bring up more illness, wounds, cuts, and fevers so stay on top of diet and health.  We always worry about the planet’s health with malefic transiting through Virgo and the Mars transit will probably lead to a spike in health problems for many the Sun goes into Virgo Sept. 17-Oct 17th and Mercury goes into Virgo Oct. 1-18th.   Whenever we have a concentration of planets in Virgo we have to focus on health and discipline.

Aries rising will have to do to be disciplined with health but can overcome problems with co-workers and other enemies. Scorpio Rising also has to stay on top of these same issues but it is an 11th house transit from the ascendant and can support the fulfillment of desires, friendship, and increases in income but watch out for in-fighting with groups you may be a part of.


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Need help with these difficult transits and tensions and problems in your life?   Get a consultation from Barry Rosen. 

Barry’s consultations are there to help you make difficult decisions, see your life plan and purpose, help you decide if moving to another location will improve your life,  get help with relationships, get insight into difficult-to-diagnose health concerns that the doctors cannot figure out,  offer help around investment astrology and finance and career and much more.  Practical Western and Vedic remedies are suggested to provide solutions and help you move through difficult areas of your life.

Over thirty years of experience since 1987!   When is the head-wind going to end and when will the tail-wind carry me to my goals?   What practical remedies can you do to make a difference?   Barry has over 40 years of experience with many Western healing modalities as well as traditional Vedic ones.

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