Looking ahead to the month we have to start thinking about Mars in Aquarius starting March 15th.   Aquarius is an idealistic sign connected with humanitarian ideals, and scientific discovery and is also a very spiritual sign and also one where the demons of the past come up to be healed. It is one of the more troubling signs of the zodiac as it is co-ruled by Saturn and Rahu who can give it incredible technological inventive skills but also radical politics. Given the atmosphere in the world and the conjunction with Saturn on April 10th,  this transit could be one of the more challenging ones of the year.


The first few days of Mars in Aquarius (March 15-6), may require us to take more rest. After the extra energy of Capricorn and the exact exaltation of Mars, there is a sudden chasm as Mars is not sure exactly where he is as he enters a new sign and is a bit more tired and getting his bearings. Do the frog pose and rest more to get through the transition. It increased energy.

Aquarius is an air sign dominated by the Vata or air element and it can activate Mars to solve problems quickly, but it also can create quick waves of anger that are quickly forgotten and create a love of adventure and promote solutions with engineering. So, use this energy to create great positive social change, and invent new technological wonders but go slowly to not activate too much reckless energy.

Mars in Shatabhishak  March 24-April 11 (Aquarius 6.40-20.00) is ruled by Rahu and I always find this connection rousing as it can create impulsive action and passionate action for humanitarian causes.   It can also create impulsive and adventurous action.    Mars/Rahu energies can be adventurous but also a bit crazy at times.   Depending on what houses are ruled in your natal chart.

This constellation of Satabhishak is Satvic and connected to healing so it may also promote those energies but may bring up an opportunity to deal with difficult issues that need to be healed but the constellation will support finding a cure..   Mars is pulling in Rahu’s energy due to the Nakshatra transit.    This can create excessive and obsessive activity, sexual energy, and expression of athletic prowess but at its worst, it can lead to violence and reckless action so be careful. Watch out on the road.


We have an unusual event  Mars conjunct Saturn in its sign of Aquarius which last happened on March 14, 1994.  It is known as Yama Yoga if you have it in your birth chart and it causes struggles, indecision, financial insecurity, and health issues.  In March 1994, the two most tragic events were the Green Ramp disaster: two military aircraft collided over Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina causing 24 fatalities.
Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio was assassinated at a campaign rally in Tijuana. Aquarius is a zodiacal sign connected to aviation and I suspect we will hear of more weird Boeing part accidents. Mars is in a planetary war  April 9-11th of that week so Aries and Scorpio rising and people with Mars in the rising sign and Gemini and Leo rising have to be particularly careful.    Capricorn and Aquarius rising are also vulnerable.  Afflicted Saturn causes hasty running around and you have to slow down to avoid mistakes. So between April 6 to 15  when Mars is within  3 degrees from Saturn, you have to be more careful and alert to avoid anger, injuries, accidents, and fires.

It reminds me of my favorite police drama from the early 80’s, Hill Street Blues where the morning sergeant always ends the meetings with “You all be safe out there, ya hear.”   So slow down and do not be reckless in the next few weeks to prevent accidents.  Watch Saturdays and Tuesdays, ruled by Mars and Saturn most and if you are running a Mars or Saturn period or sub-period or have a Mars/Saturn association in your chart or if you are  Capricorn, Aries, or Scorpio rising, it impacts you.  You will be most impacted if you have planets around 26-29 degrees Capricorn and only if you have that conjunction in your natal chart.

The tendency is for anger and frustration to bubble up and you may snap at people. Resentment may flow through the mind. Delays obstacles and indecision may bubble up. You will probably see more accidents fires and terrorism in the news.  Aquarius is owned by Saturn and Mars and Saturn will be aspecting Leo so Leo will be very impacted.

Stay on top of your meditation yoga and spiritual practices to stay even and grounded. Go easier and slower and be more patient and aware to avoid accidents and angry flare-ups. Give people the benefit of mistakes that happen and be forgiving rather than fly off the handle. This is a 2-week period to practice mindfulness and observe what is happening in the mind and body and to stay balanced and not overreact. Find a way to laugh at situations and practice patience. If you do not stay on top of sleep, if you indulge in bad habits that are not good for you, and if you are not mindful, it may seem rough and frustrating.  Be kind to your partner while you are in lock-down


Venus in Aquarius until March 31st will help the situation a bit as it will soften Saturn and it can create passionate energies with Mars.  Mars moves into Purvabhardapada Nakshatra on April 10-27  (Aquarius 20- Pisces 3.20). This nakshatra can be a dispassionate priest or an indulgent one and has a Jeckle/Hyde personality.   Avoid addictive action during this time window and remember your thoughts may be more delusional. In the constellation of Purvabhardapada (Aquarius 20-Cancer 3.20), sexual fantasies can rise and want to be acted out so be aware during the whole transit of Mars in Purvabhadrapada between April 10-27th.

For Scorpio Rising, this is a 4th house transit so family matters could be tested, which also includes your relationship with your domestic partner. Be patient. Stay on top of your insurance policies make sure they are up-to-date and make sure that car maintenance is happening promptly as 4th house is connected to vehicles.   Frustration will be high and patience low so find a way to release pent-up anger.  The first part of the transit through late March may be a good time to work on your house, refinance, spend more quality time with your family, and consider a new car.

For Aries Rising, this is an 11th house transit. The second t part of the transit from April 1-21     may create problems with older siblings and avoid giving loans to friends or family members during this time.  May have squabbles with groups if you are not willing to give into the group dynamic and want to go your own way.  Watch out for get-rich-quick schemes and avoid overspending, as you will need to save money for expenditures when Mars goes into the 12th house of Pisces on April 22-June 1st.   The 11th house transit is better and cash flow should pick it is a good time to make new friends and fulfill some desire that you have had for a while. Your older sibling may surprise you helpfully and unexpectedly.

Mars transits are good 3, 6, 10th, and 11th from the rising or moon sign so Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, and Aries rising or moon signs will benefit most if there are no afflicted natal malefics in Aquarius like Ketu, Saturn, or Rahu and if your Ashtakavarga points for Mars in Aquarius are 4 points or over. Consult a professional astrologer for more guidance.

Note: People’s charts and transits are very individual and we write general articles that may be useful to all our readers. In reality, Vedic astrology is very much like reading very specific strands of DNA.




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