RAHU IN UTTARA BHADRAPADA (Pisces 3.20-16.40) until Feb 2025


Rahu  moved constellations in early July  and will stay there in the true node system until Feb 23, 2025.    The constellation of Uttarabhadrapada (Pisces 3.20-16.40)  comprises two bright stars Pegasus and Andromeda.  Rahu  and Saturn combinations are quite anxiety producing  and can increase work-alcoholism. On a spiritual level, Saturn is ascetic that values meditation  and Rahu in Pisces can amplify the desire to find the ultimate truths  and understand your deepest karmas.  The combination is also good for political careers and promoting democratic principles.  If Rahu/Saturn gets aspected by one or more malefics, it can increase tendencies toward cancer.  We get the Rahu/Saturn conjunction in March 2025.

The constellation of Uttarbhadrapada means “lucky feet and is connected to the funeral cot which denotes the exit from the world and becomes connected with the wisdom of the 12th sign of the zodiac and its connection to Moksha or liberation but also to sleep.  The deity of this constellation is Ahir Bhudhanya, which translates to the “serpent of the depths” and is a fertility deity but also a kind of monster from the sea much like Neptune and is connected to the underworld.  Connected to Shiv, it destroys ignorance to prepare us to dissolve.

The nature of this nakshatra is that it appears calm due to the nature of Pisces  but it has a lot of  inner turbulence searching for universal truth and must face its ups an downs. Though the Sattwic quality is dominant, the main  motivation, or Purushartha, is towards Kama, which has a Tamasic tendency.  Note that the Kama of this nakshatra is not the sexual passion but the intense desire to merge with the universal consciousness.  Because Rahu goes backwards, it is its 2nd immature journey and it is not mature to understand spirituality here and will flounder.

The energy of this constellation is that of the wise old man and it is connected to the planet Saturn it never acts hastily but with Saturn retrograde and a bit wild, we wonder if its more anxious nature will come out and create more anxiety.

The constellation is connected to responsibility and with Saturn’s strength in Aquarius, it should be able to tackle it’s challenges.   Still this constellation is usually fortunate for making and handling money-which is not always something that we connect with Pisces.  On an esoteric level, it is connected to the crown chakra and represents the end of the journey of the kundalini energy moving toward.

Pisces, the dispositor of Rahu is owned by Jupiter and should give the wisdom to face adversity  in search of its spiritual roots.   Rahu may make mistakes at first in its search for truth since it may have too much ego and may be too material orientated.   This can lead to painful experiences  and a dark night of the soul. Ultimately Rahu has to learn to let go of it’s fears and move toward the final journey toward liberation.

Rahu and Ketu always move in pairs and at the opposite pole, Ketu is in Hasta (Virgo 10-23.20) in the true node system until Nov. 19, 2024.  Ketu brings a great deal of frustration but it can lead to deep spiritual growth and insight.  The opposing nature of the  dispositors creates emotional upheaval  and harsh lessons that may  help push one through the maya of the material world can help awaken the soul to greater happiness after many trials.

On a mundane level, the increased anxiety in the world and the future of the US seems to be stirred up by this transit and given that it will go into next Feb, we had better get used to increased anxiety and find time for meditation and calming herbal teas and staying away from the media to stay on top of this influence.


Special thanks to Komilla Sutton for her insights.

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