I usually try not to get too crazy about Mercury retrograde as they happen quite often and they are not bad for everyone and some are more problematic than others.  The upcoming one is a bit messier than most because it is occurring in Magha nakshatra (Leo 0-13.20)  which is connected to Ketu, who scatters communication and Mars is squaring Mercury from Taurus to Leo in a wide angle and Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius is also casting a wider angle onto Mercury.  Venus will try to come to the aid of her friend but the two engage in a planetary war on August 7th.  Making things a bit more difficult is also Mercury goes back into the Gandanta area of Leo and Cancer August 19-25th creating more emotional upheaval.

What does this all mean?   Communication disruptions, cyberattacks, violent arguments, miscommunications, disagreements, confusion, upsets in transportation and misunderstandings, errors in data trasnfer.  Obviously this is not a great time for travel or for starting new projects but you can review and rewrite old projects and be patient when everything takes more time than you would like.

Mercury is connected to the Greek god Hermes and is one of the planets connected to laughter and humor.   If we do not find the humor in situations that Mercury creates when retrograde .  Be careful with your Summer travel and remember to be patient as stuff always happens at the airports during Mercury retrograde and mechanical problems and repairs tend to increase around the Mercury/Mars connections.

This  Mercury retrograde until August 28th  may seem challenging because it is connected to Ketu through the Nakshatra of Magha and Ketu is in Mercury’s sign of Virgo.   Mercury/Ketu associations can create scattered and forgetful thinking and you have to rely on intuition if you are going to survive.   Mercury squared by  Mars i can create arguments and disputes and violence is not out of the question in the knotted  Gandanta area August 19-25th. Unfortunately it looks like the Democratic convention will be a mess.

Mercury in Magha can be indecisive and vacillating and Geminis and Virgos and Leo  Rising may experience more self-doubt than usual.     Avoid fighting with siblings and relatives which are ruled by Mercury and the Mars square and Saturn opposition. It may make summer picnics more feisty.  Venus will partially save Mercury but will get pulled down by Mars and Saturn also creating relationship challenges.

If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart, it can make you  more intuitive people and reverses Mercury’s normal logical mind.  This may be triggered in transit for some. The Mercury combustion is not a problem as it is happening when Mercury is retrograde so it does not have an impact.

Mercury retro is good for Geminis and Virgos as it strengthens their rising sign and Taurus rising may do better with as it owns the 2nd 5th house. Cancers have the most difficult time with it as Mercury owns the 12th house and for Scorpios it owns the 8th.

The cobra pose is good for balancing Mercury and the shoulder stand can sort out a confused mind so those may help the next few days.


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