Saturn exerts a 75% aspect onto Jupiter on July 19th.   It has been building up for weeks and the whole month of August is feeling its influence.  Because they are large planets, even a 75% aspects is going to have a strong impact within 1-2 degrees.  Jupiter is often connected to finances and a Saturn square can create  temporary fluctuating finances, delays in our goals, energy dips, or ups and downs and skepticism about our Guru or teacher or blocks around religion or faith.    We might ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” What for?” or “What’s the point?”  In mundane astrology we have noted that Jupiter/ Saturn squares can create dips in the market but that is always contextual to what else is going on.

The aspect forces us to restructure our lives and examine our  limits, and the demands of what we can and cannot due with our time.   If we see the positive side of this aspect, we can use it to create better time management.  We need to reevaluate  our goals and plans and make new sacrifices and avoid overextending ourselves and learn how to reinvent ourselves if obstacles come our way.

You may find yourself working extra hard to make a difference and learn to conquer ugly aspects of your ego, work on your self-esteem and balance hope and discipline.  The key will be using Jupiter’s creativity to fend off Saturn’s heaviness.

Saturn can create financial hardship, so you must limit expenditures.  Saturn will force you to look at your addictive tendencies and work out a painful plan to shift.   If you move the energy into creative endeavors, the blocks will lift and bring greater satisfaction. Eventually, hard work and great responsibility, will pay off.

If you were born with this in your natal chart, you may be philanthropic in nature and want to do great things to help humanity.


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