Virgo is one of my favorite constellations but it is riddled with challenges if you have Sun, Moon or Rising sign here.  It is a more material and business-orientated planet that strives for spirituality. The sign is challenged by its quest to seek perfection in everything and being disappointed when it cannot be realized.  Virgo’s purpose is to work with their material life to perfection and not be dissatisfied with it. If they stop thinking of the future and start accepting their life the way it is and enjoying it, much of the dissatisfaction will go away. They are at war with their own imperfections and the imperfections of others but they need to dive deep and find the humor to lighten their worries. They tend to be humble and wanting to be anonymous rather than be in the light like Leo and often the first constellation of Virgo, connected to the Sun who owns the 12th house creates a strong desire for fame and being seen but at the same time wanting to hide in the cave and not be seen.

Rahu/Ketu  will stir up Virgo’s perfectionism this year with the nodes being in Pisces/ Virgo this year and creating eclipses Sept. 17-18th and Oct 2nd.      This will have a strong influence between Sept 26-Oct 2nd.  This can amplify the quest for power or being overzealous and out of control with one’s ego and our politicians all have this problem and it will get amplified toward the end of the month.

Sun moves into the constellation of Uttara Phalguni on Monday, September 17th-Sept. 27th which is one of the constellations of the zodiac commonly known as the social worker that helps friends in need and has great skills in healing and counseling. On a spiritual level, this transit will inspire compassion from the caring side of Virgo and in a sense, it is a time to reach out into the community and help the homeless and the poor and those who have been left behind. It is a time to do spiritual service work to accumulate merit to move on through your spiritual growth. It could create a turning point for you if you have been stuck in the more material aspect of artistic illusion in order to move more deeply into the Divine. Connection to Durga and the creative impulse of Mother Divine can help move through the Maya of the material world and toward moving beyond the illusion into the true nature of the Divine.  The Sun moves into Hasta Nakshatra. Virgo 10-23.20,  Sept. 27-Oct. 11th.  The Sun is strong here in its friend’s sign and can inspire others through the power of its words so a good time for speeches at Toastmasters or putting extra effort into your blog.   The Sun moves into Chitra Nakshatra (Virgo 23.20-Libra 6.40) Oct. 12-24th and this may lead to too much firepower and get a bit imbalanced around perfectionism.  This is also the end of the summer when the fire element is out of balance in Ayurveda and it is time to do Ayurvedic practices to get rid of excessive Pitta.

So, enjoy Virgo and move into your creative realms and start great projects to benefit mankind. Bring out the kind and compassionate energy of Virgo, the Divine Mother who deeply cares for her children. Move beyond the material realm of new gadgets to the Christian ethos of helping those in need. Suns’ transit here will bring out more dynamic energy to lead by example and foster compassion in a crazy world.   There is so much needed in our crazy world.

Special thanks to my colleagues, Komilla Sutton and Sam Geppi for their continuing insights into the planets.

Need help with these difficult transits and tensions and problems in your life?   Get a consultation from Barry Rosen.


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