Several subtle changes are happening in the astrological landscape.  Saturn moved into Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra (Aquarius 20-Cancer 3.20) on Friday and moved out of the D9 conjunction in Pisces with Ketu. Simultaneously, it moves into a debilitated pada 1 of a challenging nakshatra until February 3rd.  Saturn being in Aries can create indecision and a tendency to make efforts in the wrong direction that do not pan out. As a result, it can create anger and frustration. The first pada is often about action for new beginnings, yet Saturn here will spend too much time figuring out what to do and examining things too carefully. One has to adopt the Nike slogan: “Just do it.” Saturn in Aries can have too much fear and may run around like a rabbit too much, and one has to be slow and steady like the tortoise to win the race.
Mars is still retrograde and is in Virgo Navamsha of Pushya Nakshatra until January 4th. Rahu is also in that same pada, which creates a subtle Mars/Rahu energy. Rahu has great dignity in Virgo, and the combination can create an unusual rush to action creatively.  There is some affliction here that can lead to anger, aggressiveness, and vindictiveness, and this could come out in relationships if the Virgo /Pisces axis is impacting your 1/7 axis or relationship in your natal or D9 chart. Go slow, drink calming teas and coconut water to cool down your anger, and do not rush around like a rabbit.
The new Moon on Purvashada Nakshatra at 15.17 Sagittarius on Dec.30th is the second new moon of the month or a Black Moon. It is always low-energy and a time to relax, retreat, and prepare for new beginnings. The Sagittarius moon and this nakshatra’s soft, sweet nature will brighten some of the usual depression in the new moon.
Mars goes out of bounds from January 1st until April 7th. We will write a separate article about this, but it can increase energy levels and should help Mars transit in Cancer a bit.
Venus is being hit by Mars with a full 8th house aspect exactly on Friday, January 3rd, creating passion, aggression, and fighting in relationships—particularly if you are an Aquarius or Leo rising.
Mars opposes Pluto on Friday, January 3rd,, for the second time. This is not a great aspect as it could increase world conflict and aggression in troubled areas like Russia/Ukraine. This energy can often activate volcanoes and earthquakes.
On a personal level, it can lead to aggressive lashing out and intense energies, and you may feel it most if you have planets at 6-7 Cancer/Capricorn.  This can lead to intense sexual encounters and potential conflicts with partners and disputes, so be sure to listen and not focus on being right and avoiding lashing out.