Cycles are mess this summer and tiring. For markets that means July is really going to see like the dog days of summer with grinding action due to the Mars debilitation starting on July 11th and then the total combustion into July 26th. This can dampen risk/taking. Mars does not get out of trouble until mid-September when it gets past Rahu enough and then Saturn’s aspect into Oct. 11th keeps risk-taking in check.
Jupiter trining Venus from Virgo into Taurus into July 18th may keep positive energy up and the Sun is happy in Jupiter’s nakshatra until June 18th and Mars is at least connectd to Jupiter into July 15th in the constellation of Purnavasu (Casor and Pollux, Gemini 20-Cancer 3.20) This may hold the US stock market up before the next FOMC meeting but gold and crude and silver are in trouble this month.
August looks very intense with war cycles with the weak Mars conjunct Rahu into August 26th but it could manifest as terrorism or major turmoil for the US due to the total solar eclipse on August 20th  Maybe this will lead to an even stronger division between conservatives and the liberals and I suspect this will not be great for the dollar or the US stock market which have been seasonally lower in August and September.   September is better but not sure intensity of the summer will lift for anyone until after Oct. 26th.
The first total solar eclipse visible in the United States is happening on August 20th and the last one like that was in 1918—the year of the Spanish influenza outbreak. We hope that nothing serious happens.  In any case, fear cycles from Saturn in the gandanta (Scorpio 26.40-29.59) are very intense from now until Thanksgiving and that can make people do crazy things so stay on top of calming and quieting activities.
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