With the eclipses coming and Saturn starting to slow down and go direct into August 25th, fear is mounting in the world and in conversations with people. Will we start a war with Russia or North Korea? Will global warming get us?  There is a lot of fear up because 10 days before Saturn goes direct and afterward, which will mean August 15-Sept 2, fear and intensity will increase. Today’s lunar eclipse can bring up a lot of emotional intensity and fear also. What do we do?
There are good things happening also. Venus is fairly strong and also Jupiter and they tend to uphold the world. Going to back to remembering the holidays and wonderful times with friends, do we want to spoil our joy by wondering if the President is going to get impeached? Depsite the terrorist and psychopaths in the media brewing up fear,  God is still running the show. Do we want to spoil our belief in the innate beauty of deeper family connections and love and forget who we really are or get mired in the media’s story that the world is a terrible place where we should fear to go out of our houses because the “bogey men” terrorists are going to blow us up?  Yes there are really threats out there but what are you chances of dying that way and for those of you with a spiritual background, you know there is no such thing as death anyway. I am always reminded of the movie Groundhog Day where do we make a choice to wake up and do good things in our community or indulge in self-pity and bad habits?
If you turn off your TV and refuse to engage in heated debates about the end of the world because of the results of the Congressional hearings and go for a walk in the woods, you might remember that the power of nature is stronger than ranting of the media monguls. Rejoice in the beauty of nature even during this winter with its chirping birds and gentle rains and even might skies. Look into the vastness of the night-time sky and you might remember the vastness and power of the almighty.
As Saturn retrogrades at the end end of Scorpio and gets stuck in the time warp of early Sagittarius in the gandata or transition zone (Scorpio 26.40-Sag. 3.2) until Nov 2017, I suspect our irrational fearful mind is going to go into warp speed. We are going to have to make new choices. Do we buy into our irrational fears that the politicians are going to destroy our world or do we help others and enjoy the beauty of loving and caring for each other?  Like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day, do we learn to discover our spirituality and express our artistic beauty by sculpting ice statues or do we cower in fear watching CNN rant about the latest terrorist.  We are here on this planet to discover deeper and more spiritual truths and become enlightened and awakened human beings not to become paralyzed in fear and confusion by a media that is owned by corporate obligarchy that wants to control your mind or to become addicted to the feeds on our cell phone.
Don’t let the media fool you. The world is a wonderful place. There are good people doing good things to help humanity everyday. Do not buy into the dread and confusion. The mind tends to amplify the few bad things that happening in our world and make them seem like they are 100 times worse than they are.
Our time on earth is short and precious and not to be spent cowering in our living room waiting for the Arab terrorists to blow us up or for global warming fry us to a crisp. Yes, these are real concerns and we owe a better world to our future family but do not lose the precious moments of “love” and sharing and artistic creation that are part of the present moment. The future will take care of itself. I think back to 2008-10 when the economy was blowing up it was very difficult but somehow, I am still here and God is taking care of me and all my fears have led to a lot of wonderful missed moments. I suspect whatever we fear going into 2019-20 as Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto and Ketu move toward conjunction in Sagittarius, that somehow, there is a plan to create a better world and we have nothing to fear.
Take this precious summer time to hug a loved one, enjoy a wonderful cooked dish and see beyond the doom and gloom. Yes, we have problems ahead but God has a plan, bigger and brighter than we can imagine. I will leave you with some lines of a closing poem I wrote about Saturn:
The purple dragon is guarding the gate.
His billowing flames
block the light —
and yet there are no flames.
Walk courageously through his mouth
into cool waterfalls of laughter.
You are safe.
You are forever safe
in the loving play of the universe.
like the hummingbird floating from comet to comet
rejoicing in the infinite supply of nectar
and dancing on air.
Laugh at Saturn, the great magician.
Demand to look up his sleeves.
Jump off the cliff into
God’s arms
And relax softly into his Divine net.
–Barry Rosen
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