Jupiter is going into an unusual position Dec. 21-Jan. 5th at 10-13.20 Scorpio where it exalted in the D9 or Navamsha chart but in a 6/8 relationship between the natal chart and the navamsha chart. This may seem a bit technical but it is key and is often missed in looking at natal charts or in transit and it is called Ashtamamsha which means there is a 8/6 relationship between planets in the D1 and their placements in the D9.  This can be interpreted as follows for planets in the 4th Pada of the Nakshatra Mula: Sometimes materialism and security are destroyed in order to create moksha and can cut you away from those you love. If you have key planets from 10-13.20, this may come up at certain times in your life or during the upcoming key transit if it is there in your natal chart and you are running a Jupiter period.
For seasoned astrologers you always have to look at the transposition of a planet from the natal chart to the Navamsha chart. If a planet moves 6, 8 or 12 signs from the natal chart to the navamsha chart, it looses strength. with an 8th house transposition , there is an inner tension created and a lack of cohesion between the natal chart and navamsha chart. This can create a disconnection or block in the soul’s ability to achieve its purpose and can create inner conflicts than can pull an individual in two directions.  There 8 places in the zodiac where this happens. If you have planets in any of the following places, you would have this relationship but the interpretation will vary:
Aries Rising/ Scorpio Navamsha 23.20-26.40 Aries
Gemini/Capricorn Navamsha : 10.00-13.20 Gemini
Cancer/Aquarius : 23.20-26.40 Cancer
Virgo/Aries     Virgo 23.20-26.40
Libra/Taurus:Â Â Libra 23.20-26.40
Sagittarius/Cancer  10.00-13.20 Sagittarius
Capricorn/Leo   23.20-26.40 Capricorn Dhanishta 1
Pisces/Libra  10:00-13.20 Pisces
If you do not notice the twisted 8 house relationship, you may misinterpret and think there is strength in the D9 chart:Â Â For example:
Mars in Scorpio Navamsha in Aries Rising:Â Mars at 23.20-26.40 Aries
Venus in Taurus, Navamsha in Libra. : Venus at 23.20-26.40 Libra
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Cancer Navamsha : Jupiter in Sagittarius 10.00-13.20
Venus in Libra Navamsha and its exalted sign of Pisces : Venus at 10:00-13.20 Pisces
The other Ashtamamsha positions can be interpreted as follows:
Ashlesha/3:Â Is learning the poisons of life to embrace and understand pain
Hasta/1:Â Gives mental distress and lack of peace of mind; material aspirations create conflict with a more spiritual path.
Vishakha/2:Â Shows you heaven but does not give it you.
Dhanishta/1:Â Make you satisfy others needs above your own; unfulfilled personal ambitions can create frustration
UttaraBhadrapada 3: Deals with final relationship struggles before they can embrace spirituality.
Special thanks to Komilla Sutton for her wisdom and training on this subject. To study the D9 Chart or Navamsha chart more deeply, consider our mini course on the subject, available at :
We will also stud this during our upcoming course on Intermediate Principles of Interpretation starting Jan. 12th weekly.