Dashas 1 | Secrets Of Predicting Using Dashas Level 1 | Intermediate Techniques for Better Results


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Dasha Predictive Techniques Level 1

Getting it Right


This course will begin February 1, 2025. A sneak preview of the class will be offered before hand. Register ahead now to take part in the sneak preview here.




Predicting through Vimshotari Dasha is quite an art and quite complicated. It actually governs more of how we feel about what is going on how we feel impacts what manifests and impacts mental realm of existence. In this second edition of Dasha 1 we will explore new insights and secrets for getting dasha analysis correct and cover overall principles to make dasha analysis deeper. Part 2 will continue with studying Rashi Dashas and Part 3 will go into alternative dashas and alternative rashi dashas.

Often the Nakshatra that the dasha is placed in will have more of an influence on the period and there may be a difference in Mars periods depending if the Nakshatra involved is Chitra, Dhanishta or Mrigashira. KN Rao’s Chara Dasha is also much better at predicting tangible results and rotates around the signs of the zodiac and is a more useful and accurate way of getting good results for people. In this 3 part course we will cover the basics of Vimshottari dasha for four weeks but then will offer new depth and new techniques to get predictions more accurate. In Part 2 we will start to cover Rashi Dashas and other techniques. One class will be offered on how to predict using 5 levels of dashas where the most manifest level of creation happens.

First class is Free. The course will be divided into 3/15 week courses so that you can get an in depth understanding. Barry Rosen has specialized in Dashas since 1988.

Part 1:

    • WEEK 1  Overview and Owner’s Manual
    • WEEK 2-3 Karakas and Dashas
    • WEEK 4 Rahu and Ketu Dashas
    • WEEK 5  Key Rules for Dashas 2
    • WEEK 6 Saturn Dashas and Rules
    • WEEK 7 Five Levels of Dasha Analysis
    • WEEK 8 Rules of Dashas, cont’d
    • WEEK 9 Mercury Dashas
    • WEEK 10 Endings of Dashas, Venus Dashas
    • WEEK 11 Dashas and Vargas
    • BONUS D-60 Divisional Chart

EMAIL US AT support@appliedvedicastrology.com if you want a payment program.



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